
Instead of the Heimlic, couldn't Nick Saban just take a step backwards or have Fowler just stand up?

She's got a good enough arm that she needs to be replaced with Jay Cutler next Christmas.

If you look hard enough at her shirt, you can see a sailboat.

Judging by the way he fights, he needs to change his name to Mounds.

When reached for comment, Knicks star Carmelo Anthony had this to say:

Who could have possibly seen this coming?

Man, that guy with the ball got CLOBBERED!

Growing up in Indiana, this amazes me.

If you're in love with it, you can buy one at an auction after the game.

While there's a soft spot for that team with the fan base, it's bad form to celebrate 3rd/4th place with a banner.

Those would be perfect for us!


I'll bet Chester was gnashing his tooth the entire time.

Apparently, I know as much about selecting an image as Peter Gammons does using twitter.

I'm a Colts fan, but there's no way I'd give 5.5 points. They're having a hard enough time winning games, let alone winning them big. (0 TD's in the first half the last 6 games combined will do that).

(If you had let her get hurt, the Knicks probably would have given you some signed swag, maybe even free tickets. Next time.)

Either his butt got better at typing or some young whipper-snapper showed him where the 'autocorrect-on' button was.

This thread title is misleading.

"What's the big deal about a basketball player putting it in the hole from behind?"