
I have reservations about the edibles. Not enough research has been done on them and the market is just plowing ahead. I had the gastric sleeve surgery so the chance of any type of intoxication or overdose potential is amplified because of my small stomach. If the possibility of marijuana overdose exists, it

The black and the brown people couldn't afford to tune in and drop out because they were too busy getting sent to Nam. And having a rich daddy and college access wasn't a thing among them because the high school graduation rates among Latinos and blacks was somewhere near 18% nationwide.

I've heard that people like to mix klonopin with weed. This is absolutely the worst fucking idea that anyone could have. If you enjoy hallucinations and continuous screaming while being completely immobile, it can be your jam!

I think it's utter bullshit that many states treat bicycles the same as motorized vehicles while selectively applying the laws to how they are operated. If you're a bicyclist that is a hazard on a major thoroughfare (or even a freeway), the police don't do shit, but god forbid you drink while operating one. I hoped

Modern day frats are the American equivalents of when 17th century male teens of British nobles would "wild." They would roam the streets at night, raping, killing, and beating with impunity.

It's called Title IX and it's the law. There are also various alert laws applicable to college campuses when there is a rape or other crimes on campus that the university's EM/LEOs have to communicate, because it's the law.

I feel the same about animal abuse in horror movies. I had to work with cruelty cases at an animal shelter on a regular basis and it was fucking awful seeing it in front of me, I don't want to see it in a movie. I'm aware that sociopaths and serial killers torture and murder animals. I saw a lot of those fuckers

"Double space after a period." That's what I was like when I was a teen gushing out blood.

There's a really shitty horror movie and what was worse than watching a movie about the worst type of child abuse possible was reading the pseudointellectual self-masturbatory comments that tried to justify why that piece of shit movie was made and why it should be watched. They said it was "based on a true story,"

You don't think sex is a big deal at all? That's rather flippant considering that females get pregnant all the time, get STDs/HIV/AIDS, and get in situations where they get assaulted.

So you're assuming that these girls have no agency. And why do they lack agency and you have all the agency? Is it ethnocentrism or racism? Your parents made a choice for you too, which is that they shrugged their shoulders and did nothing. What makes your parents better than the Mexican-American parents?

People have been saying the same thing about you, that you couldn't consent to anything. You keep on missing the points that people are making to you and I'm not sure if it's due to denial or a language barrier. I doubt it's the latter.

I bet her idea of equality also meant keeping minorities in ghettoized conditions and if they dared look a white woman in the eyes or walk down the same sidewalk as the whites they would get killed and the police would label it a suicide.

Those girls are taken to Mexico with their parents' permission, and you have to bribe for everything in Mexico. And it's taking the underage sex to a conclusion—a family. Is that unacceptable?

There is a stillborn baby buried in an unmarked grave in my hometown that was supposed to be my grandmother's third child. My uncle still doesn't know he has an older brother. It's a deep and dark family secret and I'm not sure why. (I suspect it may have been one of my grandmother's many botched homemade abortions

I used to have a subscription to time. I cancelled it after they named Rudy Giuliani man of the year in 2001. Osama bin Laden should have been the man of the year in 2001. If it wasn't for OBL we would remember Giuliani as the guy with the mistress and went to NYPD functions in drag. Why, I remember the quagmire

"Heifer" in the hood is just a general insult.

Humanity is more than fucking and popping out kids. Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin.

What's your definition of traditional values?

I grew up in a culture where 40 year old men feel it acceptable to have sex with, impregnate, and marry 11 year old girls. They'll find them in the US then scuttle them back to Mexico to get a marriage because with the proper bribe the authorities won't care. Then the 11 year old girl looks forward to a life of