
You're blaming DK for the assholes that attend their concerts. Instead of blaming DK, you need to blame the assholes. And there are misogynistic assholes everywhere in the world. They are running our countries, banking systems, and holding power. Targeting punk rock concerts as hotbeds of misogyny is stupid as

You don't know what you're talking about. One of the reasons why Jello Biafra left the band was because the shows were attracting violent and deeply misogynistic, racist, pseudo-skinhead assholes. (Hence songs like "Nazi Punks Fuck Off!") If you had a bad experience at a DK concert it's because the punk scene went

I hear ya. My father contacted me after I got out of grad school and had earning potential. He wanted to meet me at 5 because, as he told my mom, "I need someone to take care of me when I get old" (like you should have thought of that before you ditched all your knocked up girlfriends and pay several thousand in

I like the cut of your jib. That seems perfectly reasonable.

His hormone-replacement practice has been investigated by the Houston Press for promising results ranging from curing hypertension to post-partum depression. Ends up he just bilks thousands out of his "patients" and the "peer-reviewed journals" are his own book.

Stephen Hotze and his virulently anti-gay friends have been ruining Houston politics since the 1980s. I'm sure this was his brainchild, because the man doesn't have a soul. He has a lot of money and a fake medical practice though.

I have to shower every day because I have a pretty bad case of psoriasis on my scalp. I'm multiracial but my ex was white and he would shower 2-3 times a day. To be fair, he was a construction worker, but he would shower thrice a day even if he didn't work.

My mom has been having problems with uncontrollable vomiting since she had the gastric bypass. She didn't have health insurance for some time, and finally got Medicare after she became disabled. She was terrified to have an endoscopy because that was how Joan Rivers died, and for two weeks over the holidays the

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

I had teachers who singled me out and literally bullied me even though I did nothing wrong—and this was in a school filled with gangbangers—and I never thought about murdering her. Every now and then I think about looking her up and sending her a snarky note via snail mail, but in all likelihood she may be dead. In

When I was in grad school I briefly thought about something along these lines, but decided that eating ramen noodles for every meal and odd jobs were better than prostitution.

Y'all would probably laugh at us in Texas. I was in Houston for a business meeting when it was sleeting and the mayor literally said on TV, "Do not drive today because you are putting your life at risk." All the bridges were closed and it was like a ghost town. There were more people outside after the hurricane

I would love to be somewhere warm and tropical right now. I was born in a part of Texas where for 8 months out of the year it's 96 degrees with 80-100% humidity. This type of weather we've been getting for the past two years is bizarre. My grandparents say they the weather is more volatile than when they were kids.

That wasn't the case until Lawrence v. Texas. States had patchworks of laws with varying ages of consent for males and females, homosexuals and heterosexuals. Until this case hit the Supreme Court it wasn't standardized.

I feel like I'm the only one who has heard of this disease before. I was reading it on a satirical article about 6 diseases that hypochondriacs can say they have and it was one of them.

There's actually a good deal of evidence linking air pollution and methylmercury to the increase in autism. One study in Texas analyzing Texas Education Agency and EPA data found that for every 1,000 pounds of mercury released, there was a 61% increase in the autism rate and a 43% increase in special education

No, it's not an asshole thing to do if it's in the defense of another. And for all you know, he could have been abused by the uncle and when he saw his uncle assaulting his girlfriend, he snapped.

I think replace "hair" with "teeth" and you have most of North Texas covered except DFW.

Here are some more disturbed toys that I have at my parents' house: