Please explain how the DK's are remotely misogynistic, and could you also define what an 'all encompassing patriarchy' means. Are only DK shows 'all encompassing', or is the whole world, meaning no one should have sex ever?
Please explain how the DK's are remotely misogynistic, and could you also define what an 'all encompassing patriarchy' means. Are only DK shows 'all encompassing', or is the whole world, meaning no one should have sex ever?
Fun fact about me, my cut off for dating older dudes is that they can't have lost their virginity before I was born. JUST IN CASE.
As a kid who was regularly sent to the office for things that were not my fault by a system that favored rich students over poor students, I'm glad my mother didn't have the all-fire trust in the machinations of the "system" that your mother did.
That should be the NJ state motto. Everyone from NJ should carry cards with that written on it to hand out to everyone they meet.
This is certainly not very Christian of me but, we need to start assassinating these motherfuckers. I'm done.
And this is
Actually, I'm a millenial, and I used to have a subscription to time. I cancelled back in 2003 because they were one of the most gung-ho cheerleaders for the Iraq War, with an obvious bias to their reporting.
So this is a conversation I had with my mother a few weeks ago. Important background info- my mother has lived in New Jersey all her life. I have lived in New Jersey for most of my life, but spent four years in Texas for college.
Because no-one care about Natives in North America, for example in Canada over 1,000 Aboriginal women are dead or missing yet this site and other "feminist" sites have completely ignored this story.
Why is Time spearheading the Orwellian concept of banning words in the first place?
Ah ok. I didn't realize Gawker Media was running so low on bandwidth they had to start rationing letters 6 at a time.
Superhuman ability to withstand mediocre sex.
You are also disgusting. MOST OF US do not hover because we learned how to go potty several decades ago. Don't try to justify leaving puddles of your piss around because other disgusting bitches do it too.
And while this shit happens everywhere, I couldn't be less surprised to see that it happened in an HISD school. That district has serious, deep-seated issues.
GOOD. Too bad it wasn't worse. Fuck this lady.
Nope, she seems like your average 'driving home from the country club after a few drinks' racist to me. They're all too common in the south.
This will require the use of your imagination and empathy.
I think you mean the godforsaken cesspool called the Houston Area
" I think it's HUGELY disrespectful to both their body/vessel, and their memory."
Um . . . so don't have your own body propped up this way? This type of funeral is actually common in New Orleans. It's called a "funeral party". People specify that they want this kind of funeral for themselves in their wills. This…