
I know one person like this, although to be fair he's a year younger than me. (I'm in my late 20s.) He certainly ain't right in the head. Anyone who uses the term "cooties" and is past 3rd grade has got some serious mental problems.

Dude is allegedly German, remember these are the same folks that think freedom of association means herding up all the people they don't like in concentration camps and gassing them. Or sending them in flaming barrels down the Rhine for being the wrong Christian sect.

I have a bunch of average guys in my life and when I tell them about what MRA stands for their normal response is, "That sounds incredibly stupid."

So you're willing to make assumptions about all Muslims based on polling data that you can't provide, but you're not willing to make assumptions about all Americans based on social media support of a terrorist who committed an attack on the homeland?

To refer to a nonviable fetus as an "unborn baby" makes less sense than calling living humans "undead humans."

And a good portion of Americans would support terrorism given the right conditions. Look at the huge outpouring of support on social media when Joe Stack decided to fly his plane into the IRS building in Austin.

Concussions are no fucking joke. Some all-star college football player had a concussion and got lost, his body was found after he called his mom and said he didn't know where he was.

Best gift I got was from my Meemaw when I was 14. She won this bath gift basket from her weight loss group and she didn't want it so she gave it to me. My mom told me what it was beforehand and not to be disappointed. When I opened it, it had every bath thing you could think of. Loofahs, bubble bath, various types

Did your aunt have dementia or something? That's an extremely...bizarre gift.

I'm not sure which is better, you threatening to cause a riot on Jeopardy, or Alex Trebek's one-upsmanship.

On the real. Every year when I was a child I had to deal with several funerals from when I was 2 until I was about 16. One of them was a suicide of an uncle and 8 year old me had to ask mom if the preacher was right when he said that Uncle Johnny was in hell.

I tell all my potential partners that I follow the advice of George Carlin, who said "Just say no to sex with pro-lifers." If they laugh and heartily agree, I proceed. If they look shocked or perturbed, I go the other way.

He has egregiously violated the federal community right to know laws (EPCRA) and the lawyers and emergency managers I talked to weren't quite sure why he wasn't, 1. challenged on it by DHS, and 2. didn't get charged with a felony for having Texas violate this federal law via his own fiat.

It'll get worse with Greg Abbott in charge. You know how Rick Perry is a potential felon? Greg Abbott defies federal law on the reg. I hope he ends up in a federal prison before the end of his tenure.

According to some terrorism experts' definition of terrorism, it is done by non-state actors rather than states, for political purposes. This attack was done by hackers hired by the DPRK government, not a group of loosely affiliated hackers.

If you're asking if I check the traffic in LA on a daily basis despite living in Texas, the answer is no. If Californians don't give a shit about what is happening on the Gulf Coast despite hordes of them moving here, why the fuck should I give a shit about the rain in California?

Right? Being concerned about the health of an animal obviously means you hate the cat.

Anyone that would put a Persian-derived breed on an airplane all the time and run the risk of their cat spontaneously dying due to the structure of its head obviously doesn't give two shits about their animal. I think it's patently obvious that they see their cat as a meal ticket and not a beloved animal.

They are really pimping that cat out like a 2 cent prostitute. It's not being a "hater" to worry about a cat that has to fly across the country all the time and also is brachycephalic. For humans to travel as much as that cat would put incredible strain on their body and stress levels and I can't imagine what it

I'm in my late 20s and lately my motto has been, "Lord, I'm much too young to feel this damn old."