
They don't have a good substitute because they're stupid terms to begin with. They're an unfortunate vestige of an era when governments gave rights to people based on blood quantum. This dumbfuckery is still going on for those of us who are Cherokee and can't get a tribal card because we're not on the Dawes Rolls

Legit question regarding these vaccines. I was recently vaccinated for MMR and tetanus after I was in a very severe car accident on the freeway. They didn't exactly ask for my opinion and I don't think I was capable of giving any type of consent because of my concussion and I was on morphine. I wouldn't have

Who the hell uses the term mulatto anymore? Do you also refer to people as octoroons and quadroons?

I can one up that, I have a cray as fuck friend who is anti-vaccine, anti-SSN, thinks Sandy Hook and 9-11 never happened, and he named his son after a felony. When I go to his house he plays the worst death rap you've ever heard.

In my personal experience, Latinos and African Americans rarely buy into conspiracy theories like vaccines causing autism, 9/11 being an inside job, the Holocaust never happening, and that Sandy Hook was an elaborate hoax.

To be fair, you're 23 and your brain is still developing. You haven't reached that quarterlife reflective stage and are still living in the present. You also haven't had any children yet and that alters views about sexual behavior of teens.

Funny you mention DuPont in Houston. They just had four people die at their La Porte plant and another person went missing. Plant/refinery pay is good pay but it's dangerous as hell.

New Orleans needs to be nuked along with the rest of the state. The only redeeming value of the city about it is that I can drive like a bat out of hell and people won't honk at me.

I just read a study that said salt water fish would be mostly extinct by 2048 and humanity might follow shortly after. So we have 2 years to get this right before humanity goes kaputsky.

I can watch all these videos no problem but I can't even look at the pictures of the endometriosis that was removed from my body.

I've had white collar types call me a "wetback" to my face when I tell them that my grandfather was Cherokee. Where does that even make sense? A lot of them are assholes and they don't make a damn bit of sense. I have to shrug that shit off a lot because I can't go to HR about everything ranging from homophobic

I call out people of all races that have low morals. Rez trash, brown trash, black trash, ghetto trash, they're everywhere. White trash implies that all non-whites are trash? Where does it imply this? You're just making shit up.

Being that rural working classes and upper middle class whites tend to segregate themselves based on location and privilege (respectively) and geographic mobility of the rural working class is low, the chance of these two groups encountering each other and one calling the other "redneck" is extremely slim in the real

You come off as more self-absorbed and self-important than I by referring to that poster as a "jizz stain."

Is it now hip among the white upper middle classes to think of "redneck" and "white trash" as offensive terms never to use? Because the white rural working classes don't see redneck as a slur and they use white trash to refer to whites with low morals and criminality.

You're seriously getting offended over the use of redneck on the basis of classism? Because I have a shitton of rednecks in my extended family and they don't cotton to the idea of classism, class warfare, because that's a bunch of looney left bullshit.

Taco Bell doesn't even count as food. It's something resembling food but not food. Foodish. Having some qualities of foodousity.

Coming from the Houston area and knowing probably 8-9 people who worked for NASA, all white, all men, it can't be described as fun in the slightest. Apparently, depending on your position, you have to do a lot of TPS reports. And you always have to deal with bureaucracy.

Anyone who is more snobby than William F. Buckley and all the writers of the National Review combined needs their ass kicked in one way or the other. Humility is a virtue.

Goddamn, this is the most pretentious rich boy thing I've seen put to print and I have several friends whose fathers run oil companies, multinational firms, and home builder businesses.