
Except you're not a Kenyan woman, so don't speak for them.

They're throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks because they have an interest in perpetuating fear. We've seen it before in Nigeria. First doctors and imams said the polio vaccine causes AIDS. Then they said it caused cancer. No one believed that shit and finally they said it was a Western Christian plot

Fact—Louisiana police spends more time framing black suspects and raping and murdering prostitutes than spending time on sexual assault cases.

I had a similar problem with my mom trying to arrange two marriages for me. And we're not from a culture that does arranged marriages, and our family has lived in Texas for 200 years. And in a lot of cases the entire family is abusive. The one family she tried to arrange a marriage with, they had to call CPS on two

In India there are roaming gangs of women carrying cudgels that dispense justice to men who grope or harass females. Maybe roaming gangs of women carrying baseball bats need to rush the fraternities and disburse justice.

It's dumb and insulting to assume there is a monolithic gay community that would be offended by this. Is there an Emperor of Gays that declares this offensive?

You seem to be more offended by the immaturity of the students than the policy preferences and statements of a powerful governor and potential presidential candidate, because that was the first thing you posted.

That shows how much you know about lobbying and the types of lobbyists there are. We don't all shill for the Koch Brothers and corporate America. But hey, keep assuming about my job. There's lobbyists for disability and animal rights groups. My hometown SPCA has a contracted lobbyist to fight against the

He won the 2006 election like Bush won the 2000 election. There's a reason why one of his nicknames is "Mr. 39 Percent."

You find that more offensive than Rick Perry's attitude towards homosexuality and sodomy laws that are still on the books in Texas?

I stopped voting once I started lobbying. Voting doesn't get shit done. Lobbyists write the laws.

That earned a "Bazinga!"

I heard that. One of my friends is white and his family's wealth is somewhere between Bruce Wayne and Scrooge McDuck. The day the riots started happening in Ferguson he called me and the first words out of his mouth were, "Do you know what's going on in Missouri?" Because as a person of color I MUST know what's

Let's see how well they tow the line when they're treated like shit by the white male political establishment behind closed doors. We had a female politician speak to our class and she talked about how it was a "boys' club" where women and people of color weren't invited to the important behind the scenes meetings.

Maybe it's because I was raised in oil country but I never got the whole love of coal out of West Virginia. You'll make 60k for 10 years and then you'll be on disability because the work will physically break you, then by age 55 you're dead due to coal workers pneumoconiosis or black lung disease or mesothelioma or

I always thought it was stupid that people say the country was founded on "Judeo-Christian values." People at the founding of the country thought it was founded on Protestant values, because fuck Catholics and Papism. They thought it was founded on Protestant values so much that they made the establishment of

No, fuck you for trivializing settler-colonialism, not knowing enough about NDN culture to recognize that a white woman wearing a war bonnet THAT YOU HAVE TO EARN THROUGH HONOR is offensive, and fuck you for thinking that Indians have to "look a certain way" (and thinking you certainly look it). What ARE Indian

Yeah I bet you're pretty qualified to speak on offensiveness when you're probably 1/64th general Indian, if you have any American Indian blood at all.

I honest to god believe that Acevedo is a sociopath. He charms city officials and the media and they let him get away with murder. And when he said that about the rape, it made me wonder about what skeletons are in his closet.

The US's own foreign policy agencies disagree on where the Middle East begins and ends and if Afghanistan is technically Southwest Asia or Middle East. (Or, more or less, if Afghanistan should be grouped with Pakistan in a strategic theater as AF-PAK because they share porous borders that are dominated by Pakhtuns