
You don't speak for all NDNs, take your white-inspired tokenism elsewhere.

Austin PD and the chief of police Art Acevedo are fucking scary. I don't know how many lawsuits they've had since Acevedo took over, and I've considered putting a PIR in for how much, but I don't want a target on my back. Acevedo treats the city as his personal fiefdom, and his officers have killed people execution

You're making a lot of assumptions by being dismissive of propylene glycol. It's supposed to be regulated under TSCA, but it is one of the 72,000 chemicals that the EPA is supposed to test for carcinogenicity and other health effects, but never got around to it. It's disingenuous to say the FDA says it's safe,

It's quite common during Rodeo season, and among Chicanos going out on a Sunday. The part of Houston I'm from, it's more common to see Chicano males wearing full-on cowboy outfits when they go to the flea market with the family at all times of the year.

That's not exactly true anymore. When Stinkadena became famous on MSNBC for being called that, the refineries and plants started using some unknown chemical that masks the chemical smell but gives you headaches, nosebleeds, and coughing fits. I have to occasionally visit Pasadena for doctor's visits and it's living

I think Muhammad said it best: "Breasts will nourish the infant and delight the father."

Haha, reminds me of how when my whiter-than-marshmellow-fluff ex boyfriend was driving me around in Houston wearing a pro-Zapatista t-shirt I lent him and some country boy decked out in a 10 gallon hat and a belt buckle as big as Dallas tipped his hat and said "nice shirt." He thought he was going to get his ass

Austin is about as cultured as your racist uncle who got a Masters degree and uses The Bell Curve as proof that blacks are inferior. I have been followed around more stores in Austin than in Houston. This city was founded on racism and ethnic cleansing. It manifests itself through hipster racism and

My mom was actually invited to a party by Henry Lee Lucas back when he was operating on the Texas Gulf Coast beaches. Her cousin was with her and wanted to go, but my mom was skeeved out, grabbed my cousin's hand, and ran off.

Depending on your area the locals might attribute it to a jinn that didn't like their presence.

I have a lot of stories that some would say are unbelievable. Since I was a small child I've encountered all sorts of spooky phenomenon. My mom credited it with bipolar disorder, but when I met my ex-boyfriend's weird friend for the first time he commented that I had "the gift," as in I could see apparitions and

That show is skeevy. I remember seeing a commercial for it and it looked like a 5 year old was dressed like some sort of dominatrix. And this shit is on TV. If I didn't think soccer moms were oblivious idiots I would say the key demographic for this show is male rapists and pedophiles age 18-72.

You probably read that in a book, you wannabe badass. No one who does private security calls themselves mercenaries. It has a bad connotation.

If someone puts a knife to your throat and you have a gun, you're just going to sit there because you're a lily-livered puke who never found the balls to fight back.

You're on the wrong train, friend. Settler-colonialism is your problem, not white feminism.

Where I'm from we've had some pretty stringent anti-smoking ordinances for years and de facto policies at family restaurants, and it's in a city that ironically has refineries next to residential areas.

"Libertarian" is a code word for "single issue voting stoner."

That fetishistic "special feeling" you have about embryos and that being paramount over fully grown women would be labeled as sociopathic by most people.

Give me a fucking break, just because I disagree with your assessment of the status of white women doesn't mean I "am white agenda (sic)." That's some racial-political purity bullshit on par with how the Klan calls anyone who disagrees with them race traitors. Even the Black Panthers wouldn't stoop as low as you

If they regulated it right the first time there wouldn't be calls to get rid of it. Alcohol-regulating commissions have standards for how much equals one drink. My ex-boyfriend had TABC certification and they have training for how to recognize a drunk patron and how much alcohol is in one serving. It doesn't seem