Battered Suitcase, Hotel Someplace

To be fair, when Schneider was on SNL the politics were hidden under Chris Farley’s mountain of cocaine.

“Hallelejuah” has become the International Anthem of Sadness, but it’s about a broken, bitter relationship with heartbreak and sexual metaphors. It’s both maudlin and weird when it pops up all over as a... in major media and crowd events the saccharine SNL performance mentioned, Olympics ceremonies in Canada, on and

“I literally prayed, ‘Please have a joke at the end. Don’t do this. Please don’t go down there.’ And there was no joke at the end.”

Not only does Schneider think SNL isn’t giving top-tier comedy like the good ‘ole days

I plan to sue Netflix due to emotional distress caused by the sound of Julia Garner’s voice and accent (no matter how accurate they were). As the chief torture-inflictor due to her insistance on sitting through it, I shall also add my girlfriend to the suit.

I agree! We really need to think about what we mean when discuss restorative justice and atonement how we want that to play out. If abuser feel like redemption is hopeless why try?

No kidding, she’s right up there with Sandra Bullock and Natalie Portman of girls/women I had a crush on as a teen that are still STUNNING now.

She still looks great

Lords, my crush on Ms. Fishel in the day...and still! :D

Nice knee-jerk reaction. Radically lowering the bar on what a news story should include while disparaging Boomers. Well done.

These extortionists were a bit confused and thought this was a remake of Shymalan’s Lady In The Water.  They assumed they’d be heroes for shutting this down.

if you know Baltimore and that means something to you”

With Futurama coming back again I don’t know why anyone even uses the term ‘cancel culture’ anymore.

Cancel Culture is very real.

As bad as “Halloween Kills” was, I would’ve forgiven all its sins if it had Judy Greer go up and say “Say goodbye to these, Michael.”

Where’s Bob and Glitch? Where’s mainframe? Way to not know the assignment

You misunderstand me. The original show they’re rebooting is clearly in the Full House/Family Matters/Growing Pains vein, so it’s weird they’re saying it aired in the early 2000s, is all. Single camera sitcoms started taking off again around then, so it’d make the most sense for them to be rebooting something more akin I noted in the previous article, the type of sitcom they’re parodying is really more of a product of the late 80s/early 90s, so the timing is...odd. The parody of Judy Greer’s “low budget sci-fi cable show”--which again looked more like something from the 1980s--was also pretty toothless.

Not the Reboot reboot I wanted to hear about.