Battered Suitcase, Hotel Someplace

These alternate realities wherein bodies like the NFL govern themselves is fraying what little common reality we still have left.

Yeah we are. I think that’s a big reason we are where we are right now as a society.

its kinda funny how boxing as a sport has dwindled in popularity over the years but yet boxing movies are still a thing. i woulda thought they’d at least have updated to MMA or something

No one’s asking the big question here:

Reading this, I am reminded of no one more than Hope Solo

Per Sportrac, Cambage’s avg. annual salary in the 2018-19 seasons was $114k. That’s not a ton of money if you’re trying to live in downtown DC or LA or something. At the same time, it’s more money than many people who live in those metro areas make. I have no problem with people doing extra work to make extra money

(and without excusing unacceptable behavior)

Are we just going to ignore that her national team also booted her and don’t want her back? There are plenty of other Black women in the WNBA who have pushed back against all the shit and disrespect the league throws at them. There’s no need to lionize Cambage who absolutely seems to be an asshole.

One way to make more money would be to not be an asshole to everyone.

as if laboring to compensate for her pitiful WNBA salary was a shortcoming.

Crazy that he had a total vision for how he wanted Topanga to be but then the character drops every single one of her original traits in a few seasons. Not like how kids grow and change, but really may as well have been replaced by a different character.

We’re lucky we’re in America.  Other countries have to figure out what to do with a kilogram of flesh.

Hey, I think you’re onto something with this flesh pen holder thing. The idea has legs!

That’s why he brought it up again.

Hey Will. Didn’t know you’re on here! Loved Independence Day.

To anyone who felt let down by his actions, “I would say to those people, I know it was confusing, I know it was shocking,” he says. “But I promise you, I am deeply devoted and committed to putting light and love and joy into the world. And you know, if you hang on, I promise we’ll be able to be friends again.”

Tangentially, should we still be using terms like butthurt? That sounds like a little bit like insulting someone by trying to emasculate them by saying they were a bottom during anal sex and they’re gay and that’s bad.

“made to sublimate their visions to the Marvel machine” is such pretentious dross

Didn’t Coogler make a franchise entry prior to getting hired by Marvel? Creed was solid Rocky movie.

Yeah and he is NOT friendly.