Battered Suitcase, Hotel Someplace

Loki wasn’t Loki until he was Loki. Same with Thanos, really. The vast majority of people going to see the Avengers didn’t know who that guy was at the end of the movie. The amount of people who know these villains from the comics is fairly small. They can make it work by presenting him as a threat, though as you note

Can someone please get Ben Falcone a hobby? I’m honestly begging at this point.

She needs to stop going along with her idiot husbands ideas because she loves him. He’s a talentless hack and only she can’t see it. If you take everything bad she’s been in and everything good she’s made, there is a VERY strong idiot husband correlation.

“Me think Bradley Cookie deserve all OM NOM NOM NOM NOMs.

Now THAT’S how you mouth “the nom” (nom nom nom nom).

Now playing

Feels like this, only he’s salty, not proud.

Yeah I have no idea what he’s talking about. 

Ronnie Wood has been in the Stones longer then I have been alive, and I am fucking old! :)  But you are right, he was not there at the beginning

I recently became aware of something called a therizinosaur.

AEW isn’t imploding as long as they have The Acclaimed.

I mean... Okay. Sure. Whatever.

Eventually a cross between a chicken and a centipede will result in chicken legs having higher numbers than chicken wings. The problem, though, is those things are going to be supernaturally fast. 

And it’d serve as a warning to all the other degenerates out there: don’t do this shit.

Well - as someone who has a friend who was a former federal prison guard (who left because he couldn’t stand how much prisons are a horrible place where prisoners are left to prey on each other if they leave guards alone and follow key rules), I can tell you - child molesters are absolute targets inside.

Advocating for anyone to be raped, under any circumstances, is a truly terrible thing.

I’m not even sure what to say to this. You’re the one claiming that air travel only works through magic, but I’m the one who’s apparently stupid. Okay. That makes sense.

I’m not sure you have to be joking or stupid to understand the simple (I thought it was simple anyway) fact that if you have access to an airplane, you don’t need to involve magic in “airlifting” folks from one point to another.

No one said it had to be lots, or that it had to be comfortable.

Magically airlift everyone out of there”