Battered Suitcase, Hotel Someplace

Joel and Ethan refused to give Brolin an audition for the role of Llewelyn, so he asked director Robert Rodriguez to help him shoot an audition tape while they were filming Planet Terror. Rodriguez shot and Tarantino directed the tape, which was shot using a 950,000 dollar digital camera. Marley Shelton, who was

That’s where my really, really hot girlfriend was from, back in high school. And college.

Sure you are. I toooootally believe people from Canada.

If it helps get those fuckwads who used the “ISexuallyIdentifyAsAttackHelicopter” tags in the LFG forums out, then I kinda wish Bungie had done it sooner.  

“You’re a game company, stay out of politics!”
Translation: Stay out of politics I don’t like/am trying to ignore!

They’re also idiots, because they don’t even realize that what they think of as “apolitical” just means “politics I agree with.”

Who drew that, Pete Davidson’s mom?  

Meanwhile Cara Delevingne’s eyebrows, in their first credited role, will play the murderer.

Fake News. 200% Cage would be so mind blowing that everybody’s head would explode.

Depp is a drug using alcoholic, playing it off as charming. Having personally dealt with drug using alcoholics trying to be charming, I find it extremely unsettling.

Daniel Day-Lewis?

If only Nick Denton and AJ Daulerio could have read this post about 8 years ago. 

Lawyer of 10+ years here. Court is the best time to practice your poker face. No matter what is being said, keep a blank expression. Believe me, the judge sees every eye roll, every smirk, every shrug, and every anguished expression you make while the opposition is speaking, and it does not make you seem as charming

On the other hand, it made Mads Mikkelsen hurt his career by taking his place.

In turn, he claims that the op-ed harmed his career, ruining his chances of returning to the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise.

but even here, I don’t think the article authors write the headlines

Except factual (with footnotes and everything!) and entertaining.

Or a building. Does Hughes think “The Bell” was the name of the school or something?

I’m eager to hear opinions on this from people who don’t know any of the folks involved, know far less about this than the people involved, and don’t even know why they’re expressing their opinions.

And most importantly, moments of levity do in fact exist in courtrooms. So if you feel any flatulence coming on, as is fairly common in moments of extreme stress, take my advice and wait until its quiet before employing the “let it rip” technique. Make no facial expressions, don’t turn your head, and watch as everyone