Battered Suitcase, Hotel Someplace

How Judas Priest, one of the most popular, influential and enduring metal bands, hasn’t been voted in but Lionel Ritchie has is just beyond me.

AV Club says she’s the author in this article, which isn’t true.

I’m going to save you all some time and get right to it: Fuck all of you drooling Johnny Depp fans, you have been by far the worst part of this dumb circus. Yes, worse than someone shitting in someone else’s bed!

Oh my god thank you. And then people wonder why it’s so easy for conservatives and populists to turn public opinion against progressives. Let’s start with the fucking obnoxious progressive-speak. Insufferable and completely alienating, and as far removed from the realities of the people they’re purporting to care

She won her primary and her election, that’s all that matters to her.

YES! Thank you! I get so annoyed by the valorization of grad school speak in activism. It’s part of how activist movements shoot themselves in the foot by letting the upper middle class lead. Their social life historically involves a lot of gate-keeping, shaming and interpersonal competition. Those are not helpful for

I think a lot of progressive/liberal messaging is just a circle jerk anyway. The message wasn’t intended for the people being screwed over in red states, it’s for people ‘in the know’ to hear, nod, and pat themselves on the back about.

I’m guessing you’ve never had to really had to endure much in the way of financial hardship, as that’s an asinine take on this issue.

I see the headline and get excited. I read the pull quote and I just ...

I live in Texas and it’s unfortunate that I cannot star this comment more than once. When I could have moved I was younger and idealistic and had hope that things could change because Obama had been elected! And now that we cannot afford to move, and this state has been further entrenched in Republican terrorism, and

A common theme here is movies that intend to satirize or condemn masculine violence are instead interpreted as totally earnest celebrations of it. And it’s an evergreen problem: how many people think Walter White is genuinely aspirational? How many people left Joker thinking Arthur was totally justified?

To me, Fight Club has always been about that, not the physical fighting.

I think the people who REALLY like Fight Club understand it, and as you pointed out the novel fleshes it out more.

though holding himself accountable and being genuinely contrite didn’t hurt.

Fuck that all just sounds....awful. Will James Corden just please fuck off back to England?

Which did he think was funnier, this attempt, or when he beat his wife?

Did people actually *lose* their jobs?

Provided, presumably, we someday get details about what actually happened”

I agree with all of that and also think he's not the flawless feminist hero he thinks he is.