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Kinja keeps breaking my computer :( Anyways, hope all y'all had a good holiday! (Or a good day, in case you're not in the US)

It's okay, we still love you.

Dashing through the snow, there is one horse lacking sleigh

Sorry, I like to keep my puns as Purina as possible

What a catastrophe

First Lady Makes Her Basketball Debut in Stunning Wraparound



I don't know what you're talking about. Cutting them in half is the only sense-making way to eat a large/well-stuffed sandwich. I am 100% pro-sandwich cutting.


He shouldn't be embarrassed, most people end up hacking when they smoke for the first time.




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Weird Not-Foreign Music! DUAN I've loved this song for a while, but my God the video is strange.

This is a big deal. We're not just the 1%, we're the POINT ZERO ONE SEVEN FIVE percent. That's power, right there.

I submitted a tweaked version of a thesis I first saw in a wikipedia article...along with about forty pages of original research to back it up.


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The Patty Loveless version is also pretty phenomenal

Now playing

I've had this on repeat all day, and I'm not even going to be watching tonight because I'm behind and don't want to spoil myself. Funny enough, it's been one of my favorite songs since I was a kid, and is the entire reason I started watching Justified in the first place.