...and exceptional comic relief in Matt Fraction’s delightful Jimmy Olsen mini-series...
...and exceptional comic relief in Matt Fraction’s delightful Jimmy Olsen mini-series...
I don’t know if it’s still the case, but my curiosity got the better of me to see what the prices looked like and it seems to be about what retail was (THAT MEANS JUMP ON IT!). It’s a fantastic set, and I’m tempted to finish building it (I’m a little shy in space, but when I saw that the Batmobile was Bag #1, I…
This X1,000,000. Furst was a tragic genius whose work not only brought us arguably THE quintessential Batmobile, but largely defined Gotham City’s aesthetic identity in film, television, and comics for nearly two decades.
The thing that stuck out to me was William pulling the USB and the system showing “500 drones still online” through his backdoor. To me, that indicated that Beck still had control over the system and his “death” was one final contingency.
To me, Nat’s sacrifice made sense within the context of the story. There are different types of non-romantic love you can feel for somebody and I’ve always had the impression that she was Barton’s best friend. Couple that with the fact that his family is now dusted and she’s all he’s got, and I can see how she can be…
Out of curiosity, where could I find that memo (I have tried googling, but to no avail, although, admittedly, it could be a “finding my car keys” scenario where it’s in the one place right in front of my face that I didn’t see it, but I really want to read it and would appreciate it dearly if you could help a brother…
This x1,000,000
Why is someone an apologist if they don’t automatically assume something is terrible? The truth is: the constant shitposting and utter pretentiousness of these “wOw. jOkEr iS sO eDgY bRo” people is just as bad as the fuckers that spam every comment section about how Zack Snyder’s bullshit makes him some kind of…
He also, *gasp*, managed to overcome his trauma and be a functioning adult after saving the city, which everybody bitched about for some reason. Who knew?
Everybody’s freaking the fuck out about the return of Young Justice, but can we just take a moment to appreciate the true huge news of the day: that Mark Russell will be taking on the fucking Wonder Twins. Stuff like this is why I’m reading more DC than I have in years.
I just wonder if it applies to Maritime Law?
I am giddy as a fucking school girl, right now. Everything about this is just “yes.” My face lit up from the moment I heard “Billy Batson” in that train and the smile has still not left my face.
Don’t put this one on Snyder. Berlanti was doing this shit on Arrow long before the murderverse and his fingerprints are all over this one. But I’ll join you in feeling this hate, because ROBIN DOES NOT FUCKING CURB STOMP PEOPLE, DC!
I actually think this is exactly what happens when DC recognizes their short sightedness. They’re just responding in a different way than everyone was expecting.
Taxi Driver, A Clockwork Orange, and There Will Be Blood all suggest that you can create stories where your protagonists are psychopaths without glorifying them. Now, frankly speaking, I don’t believe Todd Phillips or the suits at Warner Bros. are capable of achieving the level of nuance necessary to do so, but,…
But, like, it’s not, though. The whole point is *literally* that it’s not the DCEU...
Are you-are you being facetious?
While I’ll always maintain that Brian Bolland’s artwork in that book is the defining work of his career and the definitive iteration of The Joker, the story, itself, is entirely overrated and, frankly speaking, uninteresting. For one thing, where’s the joke in Joker’s plan? “All it takes is one bad day to drive a good…
The sad thing is that I feel his Superman could’ve easily been the stand-out part of JL had he not been party to Mustachegate.