As someone who doesn’t want to spoil anything for anyone, I’ll just say that I think Damian could’ve “fit in” really well in this game...perhaps better than some others.
As someone who doesn’t want to spoil anything for anyone, I’ll just say that I think Damian could’ve “fit in” really well in this game...perhaps better than some others.
As someone whose own birthday is June 26th, I’ve always been a firm believer in it being Batman day. Though, I suppose it could be considered morbid, when you think of the circumstances, it’s always been a point of pride that I share a birthday with my favorite fictional character.
Nah, I’d keep it small scale. I wouldn’t give my parents stock tips or anything like that, because, my luck, they’d get rich and divorce before I was ever conceived, thus, limiting my potential to enjoy any of the spoils I may attain from my time traveling escapades, as if cease to exist, no; I’d go for small shit…
I wish it was like reverse bumpers at a Bowling Alley. Every time the Batmobile hits somebody, it just explodes into a giant, soft yellow cushion of air filled vinyl (bonus points if it resembles Penguin’s Rubber Ducky from Batman Returns). Of course, the easier solution is to get the 89 Batmobile and Keaton skin.…
I miss the Ultra-Batclaw from Asylum, there was so much satisfaction to be had in dragging three dudes over a railing, at once.
I'll be honest when I say that I got Tom King confused with Jeff King (of Convergence infamy), and I thought I was in Bizarro World.
Nope, this is part of the Fox MCU, along with the rest of the X-Men stuff and the FF.
All I’m going to say is, you need to take notes from Nintendo, Disney. If they can make a Donkey Kong that works with both Amiibo and Skylanders, then I see no reason why you shouldn’t allow Dimensions to do Lego Star Wars, Marvel, and Indiana Jones characters. I mean, you’re perfectly fine with letting them make the…
Fuck it. I know it would go against MS’ little “we don’t make you buy it again” pun, but, in all honesty, I’d love to see Red Dead given the current-gen treatment that GTA V got. 5 years later and that game still holds up ridiculously well; it probably has something to do with the fact that it’s one of the greatest…
Nothing will ever beat that Arkham Knight intro. It’s Batman...and Frank Sinatra. Batman...and Frank Sinatra. BATMAN AND FRANK SINATRA! I’m sorry, I’m a little excitable, right now.
You forgot White House Down/Olympus has Fallen (I totally understand why you’d want to; I wish I could).
Turducken. We’re eating Turducken.
As someone who liked The Killing Joke and thinks all of the controversy about it is horseshit, that would be terrible fucking DLC. Especially when the focus of the DLC is Batgirl. I want to see her kick ass, not writhe around on a fucking coffee table while her dad is forced to watch in some S&M funhouse of horrors.
It’s probably not wise that they cater to me, since I’m a Batman obsessed nutcase, but, honestly, this shit should be free for the Collector’s Editions. Mainly because, if it is, they’ve just nabbed themselves a sucker who will gladly pay for 80% of the same shit twice (I want a Batmobile and a Statue, dammit!).
I admire DC’s balls right now, even if they do seem fucking insane. Justice League #40 pretty much confirmed that their plans are “hey, let’s follow up our three weekly event books that are now ending after a year with a new event book that we can use to keep these schlubs off our backs while we move down to the West…
I’ll be in my bunk.
I’ve been a fan of the New 52, but, honestly? I think I’ve had my fill. I miss the old DCU. In a perfect world, the June titles would be an “epilogue” of sorts for the New 52, while also preserving the ending of Convergence, and then the Universe would revert back to its original form. Some stuff, like Wildstorm and…
Actually, that would be fake Hamill. Fake Conroy was Roger Craig Smith, while fake Hamill was Baker. However, since he was Lego Batman before he was fake Hamill, I’m willing to give Mr. Baker a pass.
It’d be awesome if there was a way to integrate older sets, as well. Maybe include characters/sets going back, what? Two; three years? I don’t care, but That UCS Tumbler/Batmobile is really tempting me, and the ability to use it in a game would probably push me over the edge.