Man, a lot of Cadillacs don’t even have good interiors.
Man, a lot of Cadillacs don’t even have good interiors.
I prefer the more classical approach, where you just shrug it off at the moment but then bide your time until they’ve completely forgotten about it, then get them drunk, lure them down to some catacombs with the promise of some premium booze, then chain them up in an alcove and brick it up.
Not all conservatives are anti-trans in their day to day actions, but all conservatives vote for politicians that are anti-LGBTQ in their legislation. You can argue all you want about how you’re not personally discriminating against people, but you are actively supporting politicians that literally create…
I’m just going to come out and say it:
I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.
I don’t think he does. He is a likable enough action star that he’ll get plenty of opportunities to make other movies if he decides to stop being Thor. He was good as the villain in El Royale as well so I’m sure he could take more roles against type too. And he surely has enough money from his Marvel movies thus far…
A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.
May I also submit “Kids”. That movie haunted me. I was probably 10 years older than the characters in the film, when it came out. It remains disturbing today.
Or, restated: “Hand Rittenhouse an opportunity to make a bundle suing the university for allowing that to happen!”
I-35 at Forest Lake — this would be near where the interstate splits into I-35E and I-35W in the north side of the Twin Cities metro. Posted speed is 70 MPH, if I recall correctly, and if it’s not backed up, people tend to do more like 80 or so. Traffic can get pretty heavy in the morning rush, because it’s kind of a…
It was a 42 year old woman and a 12 yr old in the vehicle, they probably couldn’t push the truck off to the side.
Like 60% of drivers these days?
Or fiddle-fucking around with his phone and not watching the road.
Perfect visibility, straight line, already almost out of its lane and no attempt at avoidance? This driver needs a drug test, BAC test and logbook check... Either high, drunk or asleep!
It’s a fun concept and all, but the best rationale for its existence is this exchange. Their casting department scored gold with these brothers:
Narrator: She was not, in fact, cake.
Good driver training too. We don’t have that. Most states don’t even have car safety inspections.
The US has 300% more vehicle deaths per capita than Germany. How does Germany do that? Not with any of that BS you wrote about. They have strict licensing requirements and good transit infrastructure.
Dodge Charger & Challenger. The current GM “full-size” pickups are truly hideous.
Lifted bro trucks.