
They’d be the same price as the Bose sleep buds that I’m pretty sure only work as sleep buds. $249 is steep for limited use.

What’s iffy here is they didn’t specify that it can handle lossless. I bet it will, but i’m curious if it’ll be closer to the cd quality 16bit, or that it might automatically switch quality depending on distance and quality of the bluetooth stream.

That interior looks like my old Saturn Vue. Yuck.

That would be a tragedy to axe Peacemaker.

All these articles are shorting my brain out. I watched the DC movies with Flash first and hearing all these terrible things stemming from the actor whose character stole the show, at least for me, is jarring.

I think he made a pretty dislikable villian in Netflix’s Spiderhead movie. The movie itself kept my attention too, but in typical Netflix fashion, kept it concentrated on a small cast in a mostly confined area (prison).

Cluttercore sounds like a fancy excuse for hoarding.  That whole idea sounds like a cover-up for a mental health issue.

I’ve fallen off my bike like that. Got my shoelaces wrapped around the pedal. I’ve never had so many feelings of extreme embarrassment, rage, and panic all at the time.

I mean it’s short for nomination, but sounds like she was saying he deserved the nomination, but not that he deserved to win it.  

I only recently started listening to this podcast, and for once I can say I listened to this episode before it hit the news. And it was indeed an awesome moment to hear someone’s growth through something like that. Most don’t get that type of support or tough love when it needs to be given.

The Killer Inside Me. That movie does not turn away from the domestic violence. I’m honestly not sure what the point of the movie is, but it is disturbing.

Someone put a Ford Expedition in the field near our neighborhood by the main road for $5500. Not quite sure of the year, but it would be older than 2016. It looks pretty used.  But then I noticed someone yesterday trying to jumpstart it.  Not a good sign.

I’m surprised they made the statement that he was not a student at their university.

Even if they could, that highway looked pretty busy and they were right in the middle of it. They’d probably cause a wreck attempting to move it.

My brother had to get his car towed one time because he bottomed out too hard on a bad road. I didn’t bother to fact check it (happened way back in early 2000's) but apparently the car’s computer cut off the gas to the engine to prevent it from catching fire. It made sense at the time, but again I’m not sure if

Awesome. Looking forward to our executives using this super bad feeling about the economy as an excuse to not give out raises for the foreseeable future and that we should be lucky we’re not getting laid off.

Sorry everyone. My 8yr old loves Floor Is Lava.

I watch it with my daughter who loves nature related things including dinosaurs. She was not happy about the baby T-Rex getting eaten in the first 5 minutes of the show.

Anything Dodge because they’ve been selling the exact same vehicles for over a decade. And in my case, we seem to have a lot of Challengers that are modified to be as annoying as possible. They stick out like a sore thumb, and feature drivers that love to do things such as redline their engines under bridges.

I’d support a congress that wants to find aliens. And if we find aliens, we can benefit from their technology in ways that may change our world forever. Or they may want to eradicate humans and terraform our planet for themselves. Either way I feel like I’m ready for what may come.