
I personally dislike him based on his performance in Baby Driver, which I found repellant. But I think the general negativity toward him has more to do with allegations he was creeping on underage girls on social media and sexually assaulted one of them.

Every crew-cab long-bed pickup truck.

Heck yeah it slaps. 


If the Grammys are truly merit-based, he did deserve to win. His special is by FAR the best of the nominees.   That’s not an endorsement of his past actions, just a fact.

Beat me to it. She’ll claim she was making a propaganda video but they were absolutely for spellcraft.

She probably smokes. 

Lady is 28? I had to look pretty close at that photo, because she looks to be in her 50s. Sort of like Stephen Miller, conservatism apparently ages you.

It was not good. Not remotely.

What...what did I even just watch right there? I’m definitely watching that train wreck tonight!

If “GIF” is pronounced “jiff” then “JPG” should be “gaypejj

Rest in peace. And may Jod have mercy on his soul.

Choosy moms say Jif, and choosy nerds say Jif.

And the headline clip is an MPEG.

Glad to see there is still no editing or proofreading being done before publishing articles at Jalopnik.

Oh, like you guys are experts on what sort of accents they have on the moon.

I do think we need to move away from the gender binary in sports and have categories based on physical ability or size, like in boxing, etc. It doesn’t make sense to try to fit all of humanity’s gender and physical diversity into two outdated categories.

737 pilot checking in. I saw the video on Gizmodo; something went seriously wrong. 737 NGs (and yes, MAX jets too) are good jets. Catastrophic compounding problems and/or someone on board wanted this to happen is all I can think of. This happening in China to a Chinese airline, I doubt we’ll ever know what actually

My mother, sister, and I are all avid readers and I recently asked them how often they encounter spelling and grammatical errors in books, we all agreed it was an alarming amount considering print media presumably has to go through an editor before it is published. My mom brought up how many errors she finds in online