Hell yeah
Hell yeah
I really wish Jalopnik had as much control over the market as people think we do.
Surprised he wasn’t nominated for treasury secretary....
I thought some Econolines already had Triton V10s in them?
My cats are huge 24lb monsters that are sweeter than sugar to people and dogs at least 2x bigger than them but any other creature is a fair target for dismemberment and evisceration. I haven’t seen a squirrel in my yard live for more than 15 minutes in 6 years. The backyard is configured in such a way that flightless…
I stick with the “ Any color as long as its black “ motto
mmm, red squirrels are WAY more aggressive than grey squirrels. Here, in Massachusetts greys are mostly your urban squirrel and the reds rule the forests. Once, I guy I worked for bought himself a nice black Porsche Turbo. Had a nice barn to store it inside during the long winter. The first winter, rodents did 13,000…
Cars only come in three colors: red, black, and “who cares.”
That’s even more better!
that’s a well-done pairing of digital and analog gauges.