
Yeah. Emily’s wording was not-ideal. From the source (The Verge):

“modified to wear the Chevrolet Camaro shell like a giant pair of car-pants.”

Before you HOA apologists get here, I’ll say this: if you seriously have a problem with this guy parking his upside-down car in his driveway, get a hobby. Get a fun car. Get a fun boyfriend/girlfriend. Get some perspective. Get anything other than upset about this, because if you are, you are wasting precious moments

People act like Donald Trump is the axis of the American Nazi Party.

The end of an era, we had a good run. It was fun.

I think its the fatigue of it all really. I think thats the point of the comment. Everything is so inundated with political viewpoints now you cant even watch men in tight pants try to murder each other without seeing it. You can no longer “get away from it all” for a couple (or 4) hours because everywhere you go

if you dont want politics in sports why dont you tell the DoD to stop paying for patriotism? theyre the ones who pay for all those field sized flags and fly overs. do you have any idea how expensive it is to get 3 blackhawk helicopters into the air just to buzz a stadium for 20 seconds?

This is not an airport, you do not have to announce your departure.

I know this is probably hard for adult-children like yourself but consider trying to imitate an actual grown-ass adult for a couple hours. If you don’t like the things that an athlete says or does outside the game or during a short musical number, fucking ignore it like a goddamn grownup and watch the other 2 hours in

From my perspective, it isn’t about seeing them do it on TV. It is about seeing it on every sports media platform. I used to be able to turn on ESPN and see the Top 10 or news about stars hurt/leaving and how teams were doing. Now all I get is “Let’s talk about kneeling during the anthem”. I want sports from ESPN,

not the guy you are responding to. Personally I have no dog in the fight and don’t care. But some people are veterans, or have other major reasons to respect the United States flag or are current military and I think its understandable that certain people like that feel disgusted over this. Imagine sacrificing so much

Can’t have it both ways

According to Kaepernik it IS about the flag.

Then why choose the National Anthem to protest? Why not player introductions, or the halftime marching band if it’s not about the flag or country? Not arguing the basis of the protests, just the method and contradicting messages like ‘it’s not about the flag or country itself’ ... because it is.

Why is nobody taking a knee over black on black murders?

It’s cheaper than a Dodge Charger with the Hemi, which would seem to me to be the real competition.

Well Tata owns the Rover name, so it’s likely going to be the Land Rover Range Rover Rover

Oooh! I’ve got a great idea!