All this study did was prove the inefficiencies of the system is the ports and not the freighters. If you increased capacity of the ports then there would be no waiting.
All this study did was prove the inefficiencies of the system is the ports and not the freighters. If you increased capacity of the ports then there would be no waiting.
This has similar issues that communism does. Sounds great in theory but humans are always going to fuck that up. As soon as one person is late there is nobody to dock instead and the port sits idle. Then you have two ships arriving at the same time, then three , then four and we are back at the same situation we have…
I don’t hate it. I actually like it! But it will be a cold day in hell before i buy another hyundai/kia product after the Kia Boys. I still cant believe everyone just forgot about that and are still buying their cars. I hope they go out of business.
Who is responsible for the upkeep of the “speed limit database.”
why do we need to feel to “protect” GM/Ford. they are not competing in the 10-15k vehicle space. American citizens need inexpensive transportation. it would be good for America to have inexpensive transportation.
I just see no practical reason to buy the challenger over the charger IMO. the Challenger is just a skin of the charger and you get less space for no performance benefit. It’s just for the look.
I am here fore it. Crossovers are actually AWESOME but the problem with your normal crossovers are they are boring family haulers.
a massive cicada brood is emerging right now in north america so seeing tons of cicada killers wasps seems only natural.
She knew exactly what Airline she picked. She picked the PVP server Airlines.
you had my curiosity but now you have my attention.
toyota’s business model is to refresh a car so it is modern, competitive, contemporary. And then just keep selling it past it’s expiration date so they can make even more profit per car. So on year one they may make only $8,000 profit per car but on year 7 they are making $24,000 per car!
it boils down to ownership. If i own a car i can do what i want with it. If you aren’t allowed to sell it then you don’t really own it yet!
I agree with this 100%. yeah it “sucks” that you can’t afford to buy the thing because morons will pay markups. But if people want to be idiots with their money who am I to stand in their way. The fact of the matter is that automakers can not produce enough new cars to supply demand. Increasing capacity is a gigantic…
they just did two different acceleration tests and compared the times to each other.
it’s also light and has very small diameter wheel/tires. Wheel and tire diameter has a big influence in a cars responsiveness.
let’s protect people’s jobs but make everything so expensive through our protectionist tariffs that nobody can afford to buy anything. transportation is one of the things people spend the most money on if you can reduce transportation costs people can spend their money in other parts of the economy.
Mazdas are slowly becoming the “new toyota” and people looking for reliablility/value are starting to flock to them lately. I think the “toyota tax” has been getting too big and people are seeking alternatives. However now there is a starting to be a “mazda tax” on their used cars and it is bizarre. 10 years ago it…
there needs to be cheap transportation options again. americans are up to their eyeballs in debt trying to pay for transportation. a $10,000 new car that is decent could only help the economy as a whole. trying to “protect” GM and ford is only screwing over the american people. the middle to lower income specifically,
byd was probably never planning on exporting the cars to the usa they will likely produce the cars in mexico if they were to come stateside. that would render these tariffs useless.
the difference is steel is one of our biggest exports. so even if a car is made by someone else its likely using us steel