
at least those who perished were obliterated so quickly there would be no way to even feel pain or know they are dying. Assuming there weren’t a bunch of signs before like cracking/shaking they probably had a peaceful death. 

there is plenty of battery in reserve. this is basically what tesla did in 2016 already they sold a “60kwh” battery model s that was actually the 75kwh battery that was software limited. a few years later tesla announced that you could pay a fee to take the lock off. When the tesla model s was originally launched it

people are soft and weak willed these days. Also now cars are such a part of culture/status. They want to be seen driving the tesla/bmw/mercedes/ford f150 so badly they will put up with whatever to drive it.  Maybe one day people will see cars as box with wheels that hauls all your family’s asses and crap like they

the trouble would be no access to OTA updates or the superchargers. also if you got in an accident and the other party found out your tesla was jailbroken you better believe they would try and put you at fault for the accident. I’m not going to tout the anti right to repair rhetoric of “its not safe” but the general


Ok examples of Ok cars. that is where i am at right now.

carbon silicate forged brakes not steel. 

if you wrench yourself sure. but just about any high end mechanic is going to refuse customer supplied in parts.

the SLR mclaren is surprisingly bulletproof. J lenno had one that he put more than 100k on maybe even 200k. that was his daily driver. so yeah the brakes are expensive but you don’t have to do a $50k engine out service just for spark plugs like a ferrari. 

this is why it’s good to do research on any car before you buy it. especially a 20 year old exotic  

It’s a neat law but the industry was already going that way.  i’m glad it’s a law overall.

there are so few cars on the market without this feature already so it’s a non starter. 

this is really cool but ... too nice to actually drive.  

A hard 360 horsepower cap would be interesting for the automotive industry but with turbochargers it would be too easy for automakers to cheat. 

sucked all the fat out of her face so now it looks like her mouth is too big for the rest of her head... 

getting big tiktok and youtube money and thought that gravy train would last forever. Surprised Pikachu face when the platforms cut back on payouts to content creators. 

She acts like she was held at gunpoint to accept the terms. you always have the option to say no. Or just take all the paperwork home and go over it with a friend/spouse/accountant. 

the math aint mathing they had to roll a lot of negative equity into this loan. 

it would have the opposite effect it would be easier to increase horsepower than reduce weight my guy.  

Hell yeah Fuck Kay Ivey!