
sure but you will have a good chunk of change saved up for if something happens and also used vehicle demand is HUGE right now. So best case scenario you have like 5 or 6 grand set aside for a down payment on your next vehicle. Worst case scenario ... your car is in good shape you most likely still have some money put

this is a good point. a $28,000 Mitsubishi Outlander comes factory with 20 inch wheels. that’s $1000 for CHEAP tires. 

you just shouldn’t buy the most expensive car you can “afford”. If you can swing $500 a month try and get a less expensive car at $400 a month and put the 100 into savings for car repairs/ emergency fund. People just look at monthly payment but don’t think about maintenance and then the first or second most expensive

what are you talking about? having a low floor increases gas mileage. that’s how the air dams work. it’s not that they had to do it because the truck is bad. they had to do it because that’s how science works and people shop EPA numbers. it comes off with four screws it’s on the owner if they want to remove it or not. 

the air damn comes off with four screws. it’s just there for complience but they know owners will remove it themselves. 

someone on reddit paid $9000 for a 2009 ford escape so I guess since all sanity has left the building to used car prices yes this is a screaming deal. 


I think an actual rear drive Monte Carlo SS would have sold like Hot Cakes in the 2000s. I think there is potential that it still could today. Now that the corvette has gone basically full race car there could be a market for a personal luxury coupe.

I think it’s camp A. However when you take into consideration the $160,000+ MSRP of the GranTurismo into account spending 15-25k in maintenance over 6 years of ownership is not that big a deal. However the problem is when people buy a 7-12 year old GranTurismo for $60,000 you will quickly spend near what you purchased

what makes the 7th gen civic “bad?” you claim that it is mediocre but middle of the road does not equal bad.

since when do truck makers have to have a fuel economy rating for a loaded truck? All efficiency ratings are done empty. put a load on the truck and it uses more fuel why is that so hard to understand? 

They are selling the battery pack based on it’s kw/h capacity not it’s volume. jumping to crazy conclusions that tesla is not delivering the battery capacity advertized just because there is empty space in the skateboard is just absurd.  This is just like people who complain about “empty space” in the bag of potato

those wheels are sick! 

the splitter is very removeable. you might lose 1mpg but hey it’s up to the owner if that’s what they want to do. 

The average New car buyer is 51 years old in 2022. So the answer to this question is nearly every single car.

Pickup truck. 

that is a cool color. 


GTR is still badass supercar and you can drive it anywhere. 

GM tried for for 9 years to convince people that a PHEV is what they need but the sales were never there. I think that killing the Volt was the right call to make at the time. But things can change quickly. I think GM could put the Volt recipe  quickly in the Chevy trax and maybe that’s the reason why it is offered as