
Goddamnit, this makes me miss I Thee Dread pissing contests and Jolie even more.

I read way too many of these (up until “foxhead garlands”) before realizing this was satire.

In my corner of the upper Midwest, people call that stuff “funeral meat” because it gets served at the post funeral lunches (alongside numerous “salads” and cakes provided by the church ladies, of course). Though when you think of the other things funeral meat could be, ham salad doesn’t look so bad.

You obviously read WAY too deep into it. I am pretty much sarcastically listing the non important things that equal the fact we have no culture.

Right? When she’s acting, she’s fine.

There is at least a score of lesbians/queer female bodied or identified folks in my neck of the woods! But we’re the only ones with kids, so... there’s that.
But also apparently they all work at Target because damn that place is like queer central. I feel so at home shopping there.

Where I live, the web of lesbians consists :/ Quite a drought in my neck of the woods! At least it would make for an easy art project, should I ever decide to map it out.

The isolationist left is less of a policy position and more of an ideological rejection of policy. My experience debating with such people is they have little knowledge of the details or concern for the rest of the world. It’s really just isolationism, though they scream and say it’s a “neo-con slur!” if you use that

But do you actually enlighten this guy? I live in Trump Country. It’s not been my experience that rational and lively debate changes minds any more than screaming, because it’s actually pretty extraordinary to change someone’s mind. That’s usually something that only comes from lived experience, not from earnest

I hate her too. But I listened very intently to the show and Trevor is the only person I’ve seen make her squirm. While I wish to hell he would have pushed her much harder, but at least he showed she is all talk and no substance.


Seriously, fuck her

I hate this woman. There, I said it.

I think what’s going on with them is that they are evil and don’t treat their employees like human beings.

I’m curious how much his 24+ hours awake had to do with delays that weren’t his fault, overly aggressive timelines, poor work conditions, etc. I’m not immediately dismissing the possibility that he is at fault. I’d just love to hear his side of the story.

You know, the one thing I wish people had really driven home about her emails is this; If you’ve never had to use a government computer, then you do not know how fucked and far behind government computers and government computer acquisition is. You think it’s hard to build a fucking stealth bomber, try updating

Which leads us to Plan L.

You’re giving voters way too much credit. Do you really think people were voting for Trumo because they looked at Clinton’s economic proposals and had measured, carefully considered concerns over them? Of course not. I agree many voted for Trump out of a sense of economic anger, but they let themselves be conned.

I work with people who talk about term limits like they’d be a good thing. And my response is always “if no one doing the job has been there for more than 4 years, no one is going to know what they’re doing. Instead of 30 year congressmen, you’ll have a majority leader’s chief of staff or a party boss who hangs