
Because there’s absolutely no reason to put stock in eight month old polls taken when most people still only had a passing familiarity with Bernie and his policies and those policies (and his ability to back them up) still hadn’t been tested or examined on a national stage.

“I honestly don’t know how you people do it”

The fucking naivete of this statement is just... astounding.

I’m not arguing that Sanders wouldn’t have probably been an infinitely better choice than Clinton. I’m not saying my spirit didn’t die a little when I filled in the bubble next to Clinton’s name. What I am saying is that these arguments about the Clinton camp rigging the elections aren’t true. Even with the Donna

“Women are irrational; they can’t be put in charge!”

I think he thinks he’s being subtle. I don’t think he’s being subtle.”

Samantha Bee has been a bright spot in what has been a horror show of an election.

That’s the entire point. It’s easier to pretend that groupings don’t matter when you’re closer to the top than 90% of other people.

“People ask me, gosh, what was it like to conquer Mount Everest? Well I did not conquer Mount Everest. She lifted her skirt and I got in there and got a peek and it was really cool.”

It can’t be pointed out frequently enough that the most experience Jill Stein has had in government has been representing one of the wealthiest, whitest towns in Massachusetts in its Town Meeting. Going from that to the presidency is like jumping from kindergarten to university.

What’s really insulting is that they stretched the definition of the category in order to give it to a white man.

Things the GOP would certainly have used as oppo-attacks during the General regardless of how stupid they may be to us:

Sanders could barely stand mild criticism of his policy and record from Clinton or reporters. He walked out of at least one interview in which he was asked about the Burlington College fiasco.

Bernie could only have won the primary if women and minorities weren’t allowed to vote.

Here is what I’m wondering. Would Sanders have been able to calmly respond to Trump in the debates as Hillary did, or would he go just as off the rails? That wouldn’t necessarily help him.

I don’t think he’s a con man so much as a committed idealist who was rewarded for taking hardline stances and never in the position to put his ideals into action. He was the most liberal Senator from the most liberal state in the Union, so it was easy to be “right” on most issues, according to liberals (like myself).

Socialism in this country is rife with racism. When Sanders was blowing off the black vote, that was historically on trend.

Johnson is an idiot.

For a while now I’ve been defining Libertarians as “Republicans who want to legalize weed”. It works.

Best meme I’ve seen in a long time: