"Outside of a forced marriage or kidnapping, it just seems very hard to believe that a person would over and over again put themselves in a situation where they could expect this kind of behavior to occur."
"Outside of a forced marriage or kidnapping, it just seems very hard to believe that a person would over and over again put themselves in a situation where they could expect this kind of behavior to occur."
Maybe it isn't that Jackie is the "wrong person to represent" and actually this article is a complete clusterfuck. .
"What Aaron Sorkin doesn't seem to have realized in creating this scenario, and what Don therefore does not acknowledge, is that Don has no obligation to maintain his objectivity. Don doesn't have to give Mary's rapist the benefit of the doubt while the evidence gets an airing because Don is not on the jury that will…
Thank you. I wish I had more to add to this conversation, but I am still processing. But thank you for this.
I am beginning to realize that is how my mother-in-law cooked while my husband was growing up. She still does it every so often and it is just yuck. She has made that cat food casserole and it was just horrible. It is such a weird and gross cooking choice.
I just can't with you and your silly corn opinions that are full of lies and sadness.
Kat, I have experienced the kind of bullying you are describing. I remember the fear, rational or not, of walking down the hallway by myself. Despite my overcrowded high school, they always found a way to corner me. I wasn't a violent kid, and was taught under no circumstance do you resort to violence.
Absolutely wonderfully written.
In high school I was more comfortable calling myself a lesbian than bi. I honestly thought that little part inside of me that liked guys was more me trying to "fix" myself.
While I think this is awesome, I just don't trust the people in Jeff City even if this does pass. The state has already passed amendments to override other Kansas City ordinance, I can see them trying to override this one under that name of free speech. Sorry, last week has made it all but impossible to trust MO with…
Part of me wonders if I will regret becoming a parent, and I don't think right now I know the answer to that. Since having my son last year, I have been more stressed and completely on edge about everything. While I can say without a doubt I love my son and want what is best for him, I do not have rampant excitement…
Well I did realize that I wanted to kiss girls like Willow kissed Tara, so he might be on to something. It probably has nothing to do with the fact that Willow and Tara were the first lesbian relationship I was exposed to and was finally able to identify with a character's romantic relationship. Stay classy Pat.
I wonder if furniture store salespeople are even allowed to mention things like that. I feel like the major corporations would have rules against it. Now I want to call and ask my local furniture store salesperson what bed they would recommend for bad knees and back for the best sex.
I had a lady at the local sex store suggest one a while ago, but it was incredibly expensive and we rent our place, so can't really properly install one.
I really wish furniture stores would be more open about this being an issue when shopping for beds. That said, we are still sleeping on my husband's bed from college since we aren't really in the position to by a new bed set just for better sex when I am having bad pain days. I like the lift idea someone else…
I am the penetrated and we tried that once at a hotel with the right height bed and it was possibly the best sex ever. Unfortunately our bedroom set isn't really capable of being that high off the ground. We have tried pillows to reach that height, but hasn't worked out yet.
Now if they could only do one for bad knees and bad backs. Most suggestions I find help one and end up adding more stress to the other. Not very helpful when my knee and back pain are related.
We just want to be noticed!
Okay, I am sold. I feel like I am out of excuses defending this organization. I love football and Sunday Fun-days are just the best, but I know the longer I drag my feet on it, the bigger hypocrite I become. Did I mention I hate how much you are right about this?
When will Missouri learn there is a reason no one else uses provel? At least it wasn't number 1.