
I cannot tell by the site who they were talking to with that tweet.

So fun story. I grew up in Missouri and honestly believed that you couldn't really get pregnant through rape until I was a sophomore in high school. I had a teacher tell us it once in our "sex education" class (which was one day in 8th grade and one day in 9th grade) and at that point I didn't realize that teachers

The local flood plains mainly consist of farm land, golf courses, and one soccer/baseball field complex. I am pretty sure they have at least one foot of standing water sometime throughout the spring/summer.

I hope so, because while I did not personally go there, I grew up just south of Columbia and a majority of my friends did. While the stories are nothing new when you compare them to other schools, they still have a horrible record of athletes getting arrested with no negative consequences.

I am surprised not to see Mizzou on the list since they have admitted screwing up just this year. But you know they are totes fixing the problem so it won't be an issue, I'm sure.

Our town just put out a book with newspaper clippings and photos from the flood. The pictures are just heartbreaking. After we look thriugh it we drove around town looking at all these roads and buildings that were completely underwater.

I was down the river from you for the flood of '93. We go down to the Missouri River Bridge every spring to see how close the water is to the marks it made in '93. That flood wiped out an entire city across the river that was just never rebuilt.

Yeah, it was through the university (a state school btw) They had like 2 or 3 free sessions but after that it cost money for every session.

Any idea if the counseling they offer will be free to the victim? I know when I found counseling over my assault in college it cost a lot of money (at least for someone who barely worked) and I ended up missing a lot of appointments because I was anxious I wouldn't be able to pay.

That sounds awesome. We always had the small group of guys to choose from for those kind of papers... Yay the benefits of having all normal history classes taught by football coaches.

Here in Missouri, if you can make football players look good on Friday nights, you are totally qualified to teach any subject you would like.

I asked once in high school and got told no because "women didn't make a sizable influence on the economy post WWI" and I wouldn't be able to complete a full research paper. When I started to work on it anyways, my teacher threatened to fail me for the entire course. I really wish I had more backbone at that time,

Don't waste to much time here, this is the same person who tried to blame rape victims who didn't come forward for all their rapist's future rapes.

I was bullied constantly in school. A lot of it was the sneaky, behind your back stuff, but holy gravy there was just as much physical abuse as well. A lot of it took place on the court or in the locker room, because the other girls didn't want "some dyke" on their team. I was once shoved down concrete stairs by some

Yep. Because having it as optional part of the mandatory trash pick up infringed upon their rights to be a-holes.

I know we have talked about this in the past, so I wanted to share my support and let you know you are awesome and screw this rhayn person.

How horrible do you have to be? The first person I told, said it was my fault. Second person told me I was probably too drunk and slutty. Forgive me for not believing that telling more people would have positive outcomes. You have no idea what each victim goes through and should kindly shut up.

Yeah, I really wish I could make this stuff up. Pretty much they were trying to make trash services mandatory and add in recycling as an option. Before, many people didn't pay for trash services and just dumped their trash into business's large trash bins. They lost their argument that forcing trash pickup was

I live in a capitol city. We were limited to 3 daycares that accept newborns and are open on state holidays (close to 80% of the town works for the state in one way or the other.) Of those 3, 1 had a year long waiting list, 1 had an additional fee to keep your kids on state holidays (close to $50 that day) and then

I have been introduced to the douche a few times during bigger KCBS BBQ contest, and good grief this man. He is so full of himself it is ridiculous. That said, I love triple d. He makes the show almost unwatchable, but they find some amazing restaurants that are just look so delicious.