
That is absolutely amazing. Here in good old Missouri we had fight to put in recycling as part of trash pick up. The local Tea Party decided it was unconstitutional to have recycle pickups and it was delayed almost 3 years.

We looked into it when I was pregnant, and around here daycares will not handle them. I think if they did, we might have done some more research to see if it was right for us.

That is amazing (though slightly gross) So do you have to drop them off somewhere special/pay an extra fee to have them picked up?

The worst? Really? Try being a workinclg parent in the Midwest that sends their kid to daycare. No daycare will use cloth diapers. We cannot afford a nanny (we can barely afford daycare) so commercial diapers are our only option. And after working 60 hour weeks, we really don't have time for the extra laundry/cleaning

Oh goodness, can you imagine that gross green stuff when they are newborns? It gets everywhere when there is a diaper... just EWWW!

I like to pretend the further away from him, the less snoring I can hear (this will probably only work if we are in different rooms, in a different house)

Take 5 is my #1 as well. I plan my gas station stops by which ones carry Take 5s.

I am there with you. Mrbassoon is the absolute sweetest about it, which is wonderful because I have had relationships fail because everything. I really wish I could enjoy sex (and masturbation) 100% of the time, because it is such an amazing way to connect with someone and seriously, when the sex is good, it is GREAT.

Oh goodness, you just described my sex life with my husband. I have to be in the perfect mood to actually enjoy sex and get a good outcome. I have always just assumed that it has to do with my history of sexual abuse and growing up viewing sex in a super shameful light.

I don't get masturbation. I have tried it, multiple times, with multiple toys, in multiple settings and I always feel awkward and just then just bored. It seems like it would be helpful and wonderful if I could achieve the desire outcome, but not once in 25 years. Maybe being able to talk openly about it from a young

As someone who was only really attracted to girls before college, it took me into my third boyfriend/now husband before I realized I might actually be bi (which is how I identify now.) I honestly think it was harder coming out as bi that it was coming out as a lesbian.

As someone with chronic knee pain who just had a kid, I can say from personal experience it is just not that simple. First, PT cost me $25 a pop and I was prescribed 3 sessions a week there my medication cost me $25 a month. I was only allowed to have so many PT sessions under my insurance which barely lasted to my

Igrew up in a big town, 40,000 people. Doesn't mean we are any more forward thinking than our rural counterparts. I just don't agree that the Day of Silence is always about the allies. I shared my experience, because honestly that was the first day I felt safe being who I was, knowing that even though my voice was

I guess I can see that, though I still think it is some what optimistic to say that student's cannot claim unawareness when you start focusing in on smaller schools in conservative areas. While yes, glee is on TV, I know MANY parents here will not let their kids watch shows with any hint of homosexuality.

First, I don't know if you meant it this way or not, but I am not an ally, I am bi (though continuously made to feel like just an ally because I am married to a man.) That day, at our school was about us in the LGBT community. I understand continuously feeling silenced by the ally community, and one of my main goals

My senior year of high school I started a GSA and organized the school's first Day of Silence. I remember hearing over and over again that our school didn't have a "gay problem" and assured there wasn't any gays at the school (ha!). I spent the weeks before in the principal's offices as they tried to convince me to

NPR is always on in my office and car. I absolutely love their programs. Unfortunately, mrbassoon is not as fond of the shows since that was the only station his father would listen to on their long road trips. Mrbassoon would prefer sports talk radio, which I can only listen to for about 20 minutes unless an actual

That is sad to hear since we can rarely find a radio station both of us like. Seriously, the man would be perfect if he had better taste in music/talk radio! I know it won't be a big deal at our house to change since we have been talking about turning off the TV anyways, but the in-laws might be a different story.

We have 2 bedrooms, a living room, kitchen (which is more like a tiny hallway) and a laundry room. We first tried having him play in his room, but when we would try to go down for naps he would usually just want to play and we had to store all his toys in the living room because his room is rather small.