
Since we live in a small house and our living room doubles as littlebassoon's playroom, there is always a TV on while he is playing. While we never sit him down and expect the TV to entertain him, he can still see the TV from where he is playing. I really hope this isn't considered damaging, because we both really

Our freshman class had a discussion like this, but they had someone take a bite out of the chocolate first, then pass it on. The teacher was not allowed to talk about sex outside of marriage or any forms of conceptions. This one hour long class was the only "sex education" I received growing up besides my mom telling

See that makes sense (in the they are still crazy kind of way.) However, the people I have talked to locally (in Missouri) are not using that logic. Those were the people I was referencing with the first comment.

IUDs are still birth control and still considered basic health needs. Same with Plan B. While I am sure you know/agree with that, I just want to put that out there because I am sick of people saying well they cover birth control just not the abortion pills (seriously you would not believe how often I have heard that)

Again, I agree that it is an absurd standard that any normal person or company should not have to live up to, but that is because most companies aren't fighting the government to not provide basic health needs. I think the moment Hobby Lobby said they could not wager on their beliefs to provide birth control, they

While I agree with you, I think it is worth noting that their religious convictions have some sort of limits. As in we will be picky enough that we won't help provide certain birth control to our employees because it is murder but we won't be so picky where we will closely watch where every dime is spent. So while

I think everyone who enjoys bourbon needs to try it neat. It is such a wonderful, smooth bourbon that it really doesn't need anything else, and I say this as a non whiskey/bourbon drinker It is my current new favorite drink.

That sounds absolutely amazing. I will have to try that soon.

Do you just add a shot in regular batter or is it more complicated than that?

Sorry, I will keep my Angel Envy and Peanut Butter Patties Thursday night routine as long as I can. Seriously I have no idea why, but they really do bring out the best in each other. However, I am glad I'm not the only one that mixes girl scouts and bourbon.

My sister in law is having that problem here in Missouri. She is being kicked of medicaid and doesn't make enough to qualify for subsidies. What is really frustrating is there are many politicians here trying to cut who qualifies for medicaid and how they can sign up. It is already an extremely back logged program

As a fellow Missourian, I don't know if we are really doing too much better.

I think in general, never assuming someone is pregnant is a good call. I was waiting for a drink from Starbucks in a HyVee and was talking to another pregnant lady when an older man walked up to us and told us how undeniably selfish we were for drinking caffeine when we were pregnant. We just stood there dumbfounded.

That is good to know that is illegal. I am amazed by how many times I am asked if I am breastfeeding when we are out at the bars, even without my son. Most of the time it is just random patrons I know from bar tending and socializing the bars, but it always makes me want to scream.

Around here at least, a few bartenders refuse to serve pregnant women. I needed to walk around a lot during my last few months of pregnancy and would often offer to go to the bar and pick up the drinks when we were out just as an excuse to get up for a second. I got told by a few different bartenders they wouldn't

I get what you are saying (I think) but my point is, if they really believe that these IUDs and certain pills cause abortion, which they believe is murder of an innocent baby, wouldn't there be a zero tolerance policy with them? I know if I honestly though and IUD was the same as someone taking a gun a shooting up a

Do you have that link? I am eager to see what was okay to cover back then that is suddenly not now.

Something that stuck out to me was spokesperson from Hobby Lobby said they were fine with the government paying for these services. Now, if these services are really that horrible and immoral that you need to restrict your employees and their families from them, wouldn't they also have issues with the government

Don't worry, once the baby is here (if that does happen) it is right back to "how are you going to lose that baby weight" with a wonderful mix of "so when are you having the next one?"

Can you just write a book/weekly blog on how to be an awesome mom already? Every parenting advice/comment that I see from you is a wonderful mix of awesome, funny, and brilliant without going overboard. Just a suggestion, but I would totally read that.