
Oh, I understand. I am just saying that is the our own situation with minimum wage. I will firmly support a minimum wage increase if it happens, but there is a real chance that if it happens very quickly then it will cause our business to shut its door, which will be a shame. I am not going to call minimum wage a

I really think the tax status would be an ideal way to divide minimum wage, especially concerning mrbassoon's store, though my opinion might be coming from a privileged point of view. Pretty much all their workers are just working a few days a week for some extra cash. I know this isn't the case for every high school

I am very torn about this, especially with mrbassoon's family owning a local ice cream store with all pretty much all high school workers. A raise in minimum wage, especially a very sharp, sudden raise, would devastate their business and probably cause them to close the doors. Their store has been an old city staple

When we were looking for a gym last month, we almost feel into their really appealing trap. Mainly because of the money issue, but thank goodness we didn't. Mrbassoon and I are both former athletes, mrbassoon on a collegian level. They didn't have half the machines I needed, and their weights selection were horrible.

Holy goodness yes. I remember when people found out I was an econ major they would go off on some libertarian rant about the free market, then back it up with theories simplified to only apply to a two goods market. I usually just walked away at that point.

The way our doctor explained it to us is most (like way over 99%) babies have a perfect trigger when they eat too much. They will either stop eating or throw it back up. This is a almost perfect system that is kept that way by feeding the baby properly.

Do anybody really know anything about economics before they survive the intermediate courses?

From what I understand based off Facebook post and over hearing conversations, they don't trust big government/science people to tell the truth about vaccines. It is the same "you can't tell me what to do" mixed with "I don't understand science so it must be wrong" that drives a lot of the right wing nut jobs.

We had this problem finding a daycare that required vaccines and fit our schedule. For whatever reason, this small city I live in is overran by super conservative, anti-vaxxiers. It is terrifying with a little one when there are so many kids out there without their vaccines. I already feel like a super overprotective

This! Lilbassoon just got his six month shots yesterday. We had to take him to the free clinic because of insurance reasons, and they hadposters of what the diseases he was getting shots for look like in real people. You know, staying up with a feverish, super fussy baby last night was totally worth it. I would say

Me too! I enjoyed it, but it was my third bottle of wine, so I am pretty sure I would have enjoyed 2 buck chuck at that point.

Guinness with really good coffee ice cream is just the best. We don't have a Friday's here, so I have no idea if that is how they make it or not.

As a mother of a six month old with chronic knee problems, this woman makes me want to scream. Seriously, her attitude of "no excuses" is ridiculous for anyone, but it is past the point of insulting for those of us who physically cannot handle the work out a body like that demands.

I just want to blow off my work for this afternoon and watch this. I cannot top smiling at their adorableness!

Oh my god yes! Littlebassoon will not let you take a picture of him unless he is reaching for the camera or moving out of shot. I want to capture your awesomeness child, just chill for two seconds!

Seriously, thank you so much for your honesty. It sucks to have such a horrible experience connect us, but it is a blessing of sorts to know someone else understands and has been there.

I left school early as well. I tried going back, but with the out of state tuition rising and them not reinstating my scholarship, I really couldn't afford it. I haven't found another school that will take most of my hours (high level math and economics) that I can afford at this time, but honestly the idea of going

It sucks in a way most people will never understand. Until that point, I absolutely loved school, especially since I found out how amazingly awesomeness that is economics. It was amazing how fast I went from dean's list to almost losing my scholarship after that.

If I knew how to express my outrage in gifs I am sure it would get my feelings across much better.

I just love when people tell me what happened to me wasn't actually rape. I mean, if I was really raped rape it would have been much more violent with a stranger, right? If only I knew it wasn't rape in college I would have been able to sit through the class we shared without having panic attacks. Oh well, live and