
Imagine spending a bunch of taxpayer money on a memorial to aborted babies while refusing to spend money to support actual, living babies 

One of my professors in college was DEFINITELY well over 6' tall and he drove a hard-top Miata and it was funny as hell watching him get out of it. He had to put both legs out through the door and then sort of bend into the frame and under it to get the rest of himself out

This sucks. He shouldn’t have to leave just because someone really hates him. I would have invested in a bunch of cameras and some motion trackers to alert me to this asshole so I could get law enforcement involved.

She’s also a nepo-baby, got hired because her mom was BBC Radio broadcaster Kathy Secker. 

The crazy bit is, okay, so everybody was calling Jim Carrey “Andy Kaufman” even though Dave knew he wasn’t Andy Kaufman, and by continually pointing it out, all it does is make him an asshole.

Once they dip into the alt-right, they find a community that’s so vocally aggressive and embracing of their hatred that it just pushes them to go further and further. Like, Elon Musk straight-up bought Twitter because the followers were champing at the bit for him to torment people.

Well the “hyper-tapping” and “rolling” methods of gameplay are new, until the last couple of years it wasn’t possible to get past level 29 because the blocks moved too quickly 

It breaks when it’s trying to do too much math and can’t finish all of its processing before it’s supposed to draw the next frame. Basically the NES can’t do multiplication, so when you get a line (or two or three or four), it has to generate your points by taking the value of the line plus and multiply it against the

A Haley win means a pardon for Trump and everybody who tried to overturn the election, freeing them up for another go. 

Chappelle is genuinely a smart and funny person, it’s that what passed for insight and humor in his prime has now been accepted and moved on, and he hasn’t. Funny bits he used to do about the police getting on the radio and going, “Calling all cars, calling all cars, we’re looking for a black man between... 4'3" and

It’s the same as when someone says, “I have a right to do/say this!” They’re always being an asshole. You never have to tell anyone you have a right to say or do something if you aren’t currently being an asshole.

I had a 1986 Saleen mustang, that car was a beast. Got taken out by a drunk driver in a Mercedes, my poor car was never gonna win that battle. 

So the entire point that anti-driverless car folks were making was, “When a car makes a decision like this, who is liable? We need that answer before the cars should be on the road.”

There have been videos of people intentionally trying to door bicyclists, where the driver matches speed with the bicyclist and the passenger tries to hit them with the door. There’s a lot of fucked-up people out there

Are you a guy? It would make sense that you wouldn’t care, as you would have likely only played a couple of games where you weren’t represented

I bought a 2014 Prius from in April 2021, and I’d never bought a car before, but it turned out great. I can tell you what I did:

Some of the best Mario Maker levels I’ve played are puzzle levels, people can be deviously creative with the designs they come up with that utilize the MM platform. But if all Mario Maker levels *had* to be puzzle levels, no one would want to play it. The schlock wouldn’t be worth the gems. 

Not to be a hater, anyone can tour as long as they want to, but it’s so wild to me that everyone who wants to retire can’t, and everyone who *can* retire, won’t 

One of the craziest things I saw was some chart produced for a Frito-Lays board meeting where they showed how much they needed to increase sales year-over-year to reach the profit margins they’re expected to make. And what stood out was that they needed to increase sales faster than population growth. So it wasn’t

In other news, SpaceX recently received $5 million for its employees to spend on drugs