
I just want to know what these folks do for a living that they have so much money to blow on these cars

“State’s rights” except when your state allows something my state doesn’t like

And then you have wealthy Republican right-wingers like Michelle Mack organizing multi-million dollar crime sprees across California, allowing other Republicans to scream about how the crime sprees are because California is “soft” on crime, instead of the fact that millionaires and funding the sprees.

Back when Tesla’s were the only game in town, this was probably harder to do, but now that there are so many options, it’s definitely possible to figure out how much damage Musk is doing to the brand. I work with a number of high-level doctors at a university, and they are all interested in EVs, and 100% uninterested

I’m not sure when it went away for LA, but it’s definitely been the norm for San Francisco for a couple of years, at least. Service folks I know all make at least minimum wage, but they still prefer tips in cash. 

In Los Angeles, where that person’s at, tipped positions don’t get a minimum wage exception, so the employer wouldn’t be forced to pay the difference. 

It’s not okay to wait a month for a doctor’s appointment, it’s not okay to have dirty streets in the city with one of the highest income taxes. And it’s not okay to put the responsibility on paying waiter’s salary on the customer. It’s time for change.

Oh they will figure it out, and quickly. Word gets around, because so many tipped workers either share jobs or go to industry nights where the name and face will spread. 

If Trump didn’t want him charged, he could have pardoned him, and chose not to. 

Why’s he on a throne? 

What’s wild is that Assange, like FBI Director James Comey, pulled a stunt to help Trump in the lead-up to the election, and like Comey, got fucked by Trump later (Trump fired Comey and then “somehow” the IRS decided to do a ridiculous audit of him that could have led to prison time, and of course, it was Trump’s

Mfer was up and skippin and dancin like the grandfather in Charlie & the Chocolate Factory 

Seems wild that he’s earned the nickname “SAG Harbor Nazi” but the worst examples we’ve seen are a ticket for a u-turn and driving with a cell phone. 

Any fuck up they make that’s detectable by us would have happened so long ago that they’re either likely extinct or have evolved to a state of near-godhood, rendering them unable to feel any anger or shame 

South Korean women are so tired of men they’ve created a “Four Nos” movement that is entirely dedicated to refusing to date or have relationships with men. Meanwhile, South Korean men have responded by electing anti-feminist personified reddit thread Yoon Suk Yeol, whose campaign was pledging “to abolish the Ministry

Much like anything else he’s involved in, he only wants to “help” if he can be in charge.

Declining birth rates are, in fact, a normal response to societies exiting poverty. When you no longer need to have multiple kids because some of them won’t make it to adulthood, when you get access to birth control and education and careers, there’s way less pressure to have kids, and to give more to the fewer kids

The problems with low birth rates in Japan and South Korea can mostly be fixed with “Men need to stop being so fucked up,” and the problems with mass immigration can mostly be fixed with “People need to stop being so racist.”

I’m honestly surprised they’re extending it to the 15/Pro. Normally when they have new features (like the cinema mode when recording video) it’s relegated to whatever upcoming model is coming out. So that’s kind of an unusual move for them, but as an iPhone 15 haver, I welcome any extras I get. 

I’m pretty sure he does the “wave at nothing” so that they can use it for campaign videos