
They have 15. 

They have 15, which I noted in the article. Please read before commenting. 

You have 5 stars for not reading where it says, “they have fifteen”. Underlined, because there’s a link. RTMF article. C’mon, people....

IDK, there’s something about these deeply hateful and angry old rich men that seems to keep them going a long time. It’s almost as if the dark side of the force is a real thing and sustains their lives.


Do you like freedom, democracy, human rights? Vote Democrat. Do you like fascism, slavery, dictatorships? Vote Republican. 

That blurb the content creator uses to summarize the ethics of his channel is the weirdest part. It’s such an odd mix of politics which aren’t particularly related to tipping culture.

“They did what to my party?”

Assange was a tool of Putin and helped get Trump elected.

Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

I don't get why flat earthers don't just shoot a rocket a mile up and blow it up with fireworks. If the earth is flat everyone will see it. Most economical way to get a straight true/false result. 

Weird that they’re getting a reality show, given that they’ve never really been able to engage with reality.

I like how ethical altruists dont go for the real way to help humanity which is just pay taxes and stop funding scumbags.

It’s not all about the hardware. It’s how the software runs on it. With the way everything runs so smoothly and instantly on the iPhone, why do you need any more? That’s the power of building the hardware and software together that has always been the advantage of Apple’s products. Even the biggest critics agree on

His implicit message, whether it;s what he intended or not - ‘You are Other than the majority group! I’m singling you out & will likely continue to do so. Do not be distracted by this, b/c the results you get will have a different weight to them since you are Other & I will bring them to the attention of the majority.’

Of course no mention from Elon of maternity/paternity leave, health care, day care, etc.

I’m not necessarily against psi-ops campaigns, b/c they do have their place and uses in regards to national security and interests, but this is one that didn’t seem necessary, needed, or helpful. If anything it only served to fuel the anti-vax movement which has been detrimental to our collective public health the

Jfc this country is evil.


It’s not so much that they’re driving on the beach, it’s what they’re driving and how and where they’re driving. There’s no consensus on size, but there is agreement that visibility can be a challenge - and https://www.gainesville