
He’s got lawyers on retainer. They’ll file to start the lawsuit, then he’ll have them quietly drop it when it’s time for discovery. He’ll get a couple of “strong” news cycles, and nobody will be paying attention when he backs down

He will sue because he pays his lawyers to be around and do whatever stupid shit he wants them to do. He’ll then quietly drop the case right when discovery needs to happen.

“decolonization” being equated with genocide now, just wow. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if they did it because the exhumed body would, instead of showing signs he’d been hit by a car, show he’d been beaten to death instead.

O’Brien didn’t even tag him in the tweets. Dude could have just moved TF on and not even bring it up and just act like he never saw them, like any normal adult would

This will ALWAYS be a problem until you’re starting to reach actual parity. It doesn’t even matter if it’s majority-intentional or not. Dudes tend to seek out dudes because that’s what so many men have been conditioned to do.

In media we generally refer to it as “the passive voice.” Actions just *happen*. For example, if police shoot someone, you will generally read in the paper that the suspect was “struck by gunfire,” as opposed to “shot by police.” In Israel/Hamas news, you’ll read “Israelis were slaughtered by Hamas” while

So much for “small government” !!!! 

I live on a pretty narrow street and it’s not really that big a deal. You get the occasional horns when someone is stopped, because you can’t go around a stopped vehicle, but vehicles just don’t need to stop and block traffic all that much. People just do it more when there’s wider lanes because they expect people can

Yep and this also includes lots of trees. When you have lots of trees planted along the sidewalks, drivers have a harder time seeing what’s on the other side and slow down. I live on a pretty narrow street (there’s parking on both sides but the remainder is narrow enough that cars will generally have to pull aside to

They never leave their echo chambers until they have moments like these, and these two won’t be returning to update their echo chambers for a very long time

It sounds like whoever they put in charge of coding the project just generated a handful of permanent codes instead of generating codes per-customer that get deleted after they’re used. 

In a way, though, we’re a little impressed with the audacity it takes for someone in charge of law enforcement in the county to not only illegally modify their diesel truck but then advertise that it’s been illegally modified as if no one might possibly take issue with their sheriff so blatantly breaking the law.

Trust me, the city of SF itself was pushing hard not to allow this. It’s all on the California PUC that keeps deciding to allow them on SF streets against the protestations of the city itself.

I think Thomas is pretty clear here. This woman isn’t allowed to complain about how the dude might kill her until he’s killed her, and then she can lodge a complaint.

If it’s anything like what he’s been saying on CNN, it’s “There’s no way a national abortion ban would arrive on my desk so I’m not going to answer the question of whether or not I would sign it”

She, like everyone else on that stage, just keeps saying, “Oh well a national abortion ban wouldn’t arrive on my desk,” NOT that she wouldn’t sign it.

Yeah Santorum is fully on the anti-democracy train. “When you let people vote, they vote for all these things that we don’t want them to vote for.” It’s almost like people want to live in a democracy and not a religious theocracy.

They cannot “learn” from this lesson because they are trying to legislate based on their religion and not democracy. This is why Republicans keep trying to overthrow the democratic process itself. It cannot produce the results they want, but they cannot allow for compromise or negotiation when it comes to their

VA limits governors to one term a pop (he’d have to wait until 2029 to run again) so he’s got basically nothing to run on in 2028. Good.