SCOTUS appointments are definitely a winning issue for Democrats now, it’s just that in 2016, Roe was “settled law,” and we had a Supreme Court that believed in precedent.
SCOTUS appointments are definitely a winning issue for Democrats now, it’s just that in 2016, Roe was “settled law,” and we had a Supreme Court that believed in precedent.
The last time I used a delivery app, I ordered a pizza from about 19 blocks down the street, tipped well, but was still paying like $30. After 45 minutes, I got a text from the app that the driver “forgot” to pick up the pizza and was going to get it. At that point I just said “fuck it” and cooked dinner. After…
100% Musk was trying to charge Sony to access Twitter’s API.
Georgia is a state case, so he wouldn’t be able to pardon himself if he were to win the White House somehow (yuck), and Georgia’s pardon system requires the defendant to serve their entire sentence and THEN show contrition. Kemp or another Republican wouldn’t be able to pardon him if they wanted to.
The US is never going to regulate something unless it absolutely, positively, *has* to.
The arguments *against* a ceasefire and pretty awful, too. They basically boil down to, “Israel *needs* to kill X amount of Palestinians to feel okay.” But no one can define X.
this is like saying “’hetero’ has no reason to exist at all, you’re either homosexual or not”
The big problem is that there are a bunch of people who will vote in favor of abortion, but keep voting for Republican politicians.
Here you go, this is from the Association for X Y Chromosome Variations for more info:
Filipinos are basically indestructible, at least from what I’ve seen among my friend group
If they’re anything like Dubai’s man-made islands, then they’re definitely sinking. Dubai wound up giving up on a bunch of them even while they were still getting built, because they were sinking so quickly. And that’s in a harbor.
Yup, this is the new GOP Senate move. Just refuse to vote on the President’s nominations. Now it’s gone from “We can’t do this during an election year!” to “You don’t get a vote because you’re from the wrong party.”
Republicans are VERY aware of how unpopular they and their positions are, and have come to terms with the fact that they will need to overturn our democracy in order to force their will on us.
Nobody knew his extremist positions until after he was elected. That’s why they jammed him through so quickly.
I read an article about this earlier with some lawyers who were saying that it’s *probably* legal because the mailers censored the nipples/sex parts. But IMO, the worst part about revenge porn isn’t the actual graphic body parts, but the intimacy of a nude photo that’s being made available to the public and the…
They’ve already started to ban porn in the state by requiring age verification for porn sites. So a bunch of sites have left the state already.
Musk bought Twitter because he’s addicted to it and he wants total control over it. There’s a lot of kerfuffle about some article about “How Musk can declare war on the ‘global elitists’” by buying Twitter, but I think it’s more that he’s addicted to the dopamine hits he gets from using Twitter to hurt people while…
Hilariously, MAGA chuds hate electric cars 😂 Pretending to be a liberal was actually helping him sell cars, now every liberal I know that has a Tesla is trying to get rid of it
I’ve seen increasing talk of coalition government coming from “moderate” Republicans. They realize they’re not going to get re-elected if this keeps happening, so the same moderates that blocked Jordan are starting to sound open to some sort of coalition Speaker role they can get by bringing over Democrats.
I thought it was weird, when he was talking about immigrants he JUST said that New York had too many people, now he wants more?