A lot of this was down to refusing to mask, social distance, stay inside, etc. Remember the rally that Trump held immediately Juneteenth in Tulsa, where Herman Cain and a bunch of others caught COVID and died.
A lot of this was down to refusing to mask, social distance, stay inside, etc. Remember the rally that Trump held immediately Juneteenth in Tulsa, where Herman Cain and a bunch of others caught COVID and died.
With the amount of Republicans who died, and the fact that this happened immediately after a census, it’s entirely likely that there were districts carried by Biden that could have gone to Trump if those voters hadn’t died.
This “the vaccine was a rush job” shit is so tired. The vaccine is almost 20 years old. It was originally developed back in 2007 for SARS, which came out of China in 2002 (called SARS-CoV-1, if that sounds familiar, COVID is SARS-CoV-2). Since contagious people were symptomatic, it was easier to quarantine people at…
He survived
I think something like less than 1% of police brutality incidents are charged, and of those less than 1%, about 1% of those are actually brought to conviction. So, “they are almost always brought to justice” in those 1% of 1% of cases, absolutely, almost 100% of the time
The violence database has been a staple of the federal police reform bills for the last 5+ years, but the police always manage to get the Republicans to kill the bill.
How about the ability to embed a thread on social media post or in a news article, which is pretty much the only way I ever see Tweets? I’m honestly kind of dumbfounded they launched without that. I already deleted the app so if there was some way to see it, I guess I missed it, but I searched and could not find a…
The only thing that has ever held the police accountable is bystander video of the whole thing. Bodycams provide useful footage, but will only be released months after the fact. So it’s still pretty much up to us to film the police and get that footage online before they can take it down, that’s the only thing that’s…
Well, he didn’t write it for one, but for two, intimating an approval of political violence is a sure-fire way to get your song on the charts. Look at that guy who was on tape yelling the n-word at someone on stage a couple years ago, his album went from unknown to #1 within a few days
Same reason they wrap themselves in the flag. Because they’re unintelligent, mediocre people at best, who will never accomplish anything of note, so they look for something they can associate with that brings them vibes.
Although Tyler, who is white, was only on the Shreveport force a short time, he had already been suspended without pay twice before he shot and killed Bagley
That’s good, very helpful. If he and others can do more, they should. If you’ve got $100 million in the bank, there’s no reason not to drop $1 million to support WGA and SAF-AFTRA.
Of course he’s going to name one of his conference rooms “S3Xy”, why do you think the Teslas are named models S, 3, X, and Y?
Well, that’s probably a wrap for his basketball career. Teams already didn’t seem that interested in drafting him, but with a bad heart, I don’t think anyone will.
I think we can all just start agreeing he’s an idiot now. No conspiracy theories, no ‘grand plan.’ Just a fool and his money, quickly parting
He isn’t trying to ruin it on purpose and he isn’t “fucking around,” he’s just an idiot
Wanna know how dumb Musk is? Meta owns the trademark to ‘X’ as a social media platform, all Musk owns is the URL.
A friend of mine just told me that Meta owns the trademarks to ‘X’ as a social media platform, so I guess he’s just throwing himself off the boat?
Must has been trying to turn every company he owns into ‘X’ since PayPal, but unlike every other company he has owned (including PayPal, which ousted him over it), there is no one left at Twitter to tell him ‘No.’
There is no scenario in which an AI could do a voice actor better than a voice actor. If the VA is not able to do the voice that the studio wants, aka they’re too old to perform a “young voice,” then a young VA should be selected