Oh yeah there’s an “Approved Tree-Planting List” that has a few dozen different types of trees you can pick from to avoid this sort of thing. The city will plant them for free, but they do have to be on the list.
Oh yeah there’s an “Approved Tree-Planting List” that has a few dozen different types of trees you can pick from to avoid this sort of thing. The city will plant them for free, but they do have to be on the list.
In San Francisco, we had to increase the fines for this stuff to something like $1,000+ per tree because businesses kept hiring “arborists” who would prune the trees to death and go, “Oh, I didn’t know this would hurt them,” because they wanted to get the tree out and away from their sign.
I would be down for that but I’d doubt LA would be willing to come down that hard on the actor’s/writer’s side this early, that would blow up a lot of politics.
Probably my favorite moment of the trailer
Boimler definitely needed Mariner to play off of. With just him, it’s a fish out of water, which is fine, but a little cringe because of how hard he’s fan-boying. When Mariner showed up and they started giving each other shit, that’s when the episode really got going. They both occupy their own little spheres as far…
It’s a lot better than I thought it was going to be. Boimler and Mariner’s chemistry was spot-on, and it worked super well with the SNW cast. Pretty great episode.
All they’re doing is making Hunter Biden look like a fucking blast to hang out with
Pikmin 4 is my first Pikmin game. I am about to beat Pikmin Bloom, but that’s a walking game and there are no enemies.
Yes I’m sure slaves were learning lots of skills that they could use in their free time, which existed maybe from 7:07pm - 7:08pm when master was fornicating with their enslaved daughter who just turned 13
Honestly I think it’s a terrible idea to put in a high-speed car wash where you have to drive through at 60mph, it just seems a little dangerous
Yeah I was gonna say, the “It is what it is” could well be a response to the number of photos the cops were showing her, like at some point she just wants them to stop and leave her be
Her connection is that “the photograph wasn’t locked down so she stole it”
This is literally how they think racism works
Just had a dream with this playing
They just had one of their chairs on Face the Nation and was asked specifically about this, her response was “voters don’t want to see donors,” which was news to me, a voter who wants to see donors
He’s been the biggest seat at the table on every single bill that’s gone through the Senate since Biden took office, kinda wild he would then turn around and call all this “too far-left”
This is a good proposal that I’m surprised hasn’t already been implemented, but I guess people just never imagined law enforcement would be weaponized against health care
If the general population had *any* ability to control the police whatsoever, it would be fairly trivial to drum these sociopaths out of the force. But since that doesn’t exist, they get to do what they want, protected by the power of the badge and the gun.
What happened to “jurisdiction” is a real question
They are both deeply shitty, but DeSantis really has no chance here. He doesn’t have a fraction of the charisma Trump has, and has no way to stand up to him in front of any sort of audience. He’s not going to out-Trump Trump, but it will be interesting to see how much damage he can attempt to do.