I wouldn’t say he’s “testing the waters,” he’s been corrupt for 30 years, we’re just finding out what he’s been doing this whole time
I wouldn’t say he’s “testing the waters,” he’s been corrupt for 30 years, we’re just finding out what he’s been doing this whole time
Nothing gets done about it because a majority of voters in about half the states don’t want their Senators to do anything about it
This was the exact Pandora’s box that SCOTUS opened. What is “speech” in this context? A hairdresser is now saying her work is “art” or “speech.” What about a Subway worker? I’ve seen job listings referring to them as “Sandwich Artists.” Tailors? How about police officers? Is the job they do their “speech”?
This was EXACTLY what was going to happen the moment that the Court made this ruling. Hilariously, I believe it was Kavanaugh who tried to rebut Brown Jackson by saying that this just wouldn’t happen.
This is a flaw in the concept of democracy itself, one that Socrates used to complain about (and what he was put to death for). If you let people vote for their leaders, a lot of times they wind up voting for shitty leaders.
This has been the “promise” of automation since the 19th century. Economists in the 1800s were talking about how much time people would save when automatons could do their jobs, but then the bosses swallowed all that money and everyone was stuck working the same amount of hours.
Yeah the Republicans make sense, the Democrats less so, but considering 10% of Americans think the Earth is flat, I gotta go with whatever the fuck those people are smoking.
Hitting people is wrong, you don’t need to hit someone to do your job as security, and I’m not sure why there’s so many men that need to get on any microphone they can find and announce that it’s okay to hit a woman in whatever situation they deem, but I need these men to shut the fuck up and go the fuck away.
This is the whole thing. There’s no benefit to allowing all these self-driving cars onto the roads in SF. All it does is put taxi and rideshare drivers out of work. We already have a homeless crisis in SF. We don’t need *more* people out of work.
Self-driving cars don’t reduce the number of cars on the road. Public transit does.
The cars need to go. I tolerated them when they were driving around with drivers and “testing” throughout Golden Gate Park, almost got hit a couple of times but whatever.
The amount of men who think they get some say over how a woman who doesn’t even know them should dress, is just exhausting.
Some folks are just so broken that they can’t really exist, and as sad as it is, sometimes it’s best they pass on so they can stop pushing their hurt onto others
Something like 80% of Americans want to see the trial complete before the election because it would inform how they vote. Not that Trump gives a shit about any of that.
LA is really getting the brunt of a fascist assault right now. They’ve been turning out in spades to attack LGBTQ parades and school board meetings and now churches, I think it’s basically a bunch of nazis from around Bakersfield and other shitholes, who are trying to make a name by staking a claim to a major city…
Fieri is probably a Trump supporter. Like, he comes across as a nice guy, I haven’t heard bad things about him personally, but someone who’s got a giant plot of land and runs multiple businesses, they all tend to be hardcore Republicans. It’s less the social part and more the “I shouldn’t ever have to pay taxes,…
Perfectly fair and reasonable to have questions the first time or even two times something like this drops. When the drip starts to turn into a stream, you’ve got a problem. A lot of people put their careers on the line when they say stuff like this publicly, because it can (and often does) come back to bite them in…
“You weren’t meant to see that” is not really a valid excuse here. If we’re not meant to see something, it means you shouldn’t be fucking doing it.
Tuberville’s feckless word salad makes it even worse, he says, “Let the people decide,” but the people already decided when they made Biden the President.