DeSantis is gunning hard for the incel crowd with his latest ad. It’s just “gigachads” set to TikTok music with his face inbetween. I don’t know who he thought outside of the incel crowd would want to see that, but whatever.
DeSantis is gunning hard for the incel crowd with his latest ad. It’s just “gigachads” set to TikTok music with his face inbetween. I don’t know who he thought outside of the incel crowd would want to see that, but whatever.
Yeah there were plenty of Jewish people who worked with the Nazis and turned people over. They *all* wound up in the camps.
New: “Now with fewer Nazis!”
Or Republican staffers’ offices
This is pretty much my take. Twitter isn’t just going to disappear overnight. It still has a HUGE userbase, many of which are still in search of the right place to go. If that winds up being Facebook’s Threads, then it will happen faster. If it’s BlueSky, then it will happen faster.
Breaking: Guy who owns Twitter thinks that only people who own Twitter should get to vote
No, his “primary” money came from South Africa. He *says* his father says the mine wasn’t impressive — a few years ago he said he got his start from that money, and they had so much money they couldn’t close their safe.
Virginia’s governor race is always the year after a President is elected, and it almost always goes to the party opposite the newly elected President.
Probably the biggest thing holding back a Twitter transition right now is the number of alternatives. There has to be ONE.
Doubtful he’ll ever face consequences. His investors have gotten what they want, which is wrestling one of the largest social media platforms into private control, where they can tell Musk what to censor and when, and he’ll happily do it, no problem.
Twitter’s problem was the same as every other social media platform, that they needed platform growth and advertiser growth to make profit, but were terrified of banning the conservatives and neo-nazis shitting all over everything, because they’re loud and complain a lot, but were refusing to acknowledge that banning…
The word had meaning to her.
I still maintain my original belief, that he bought the app to wrestle control over a large platform of people online, is responding to fawning bigots and autocrats by turning it into a safe space for him, is trying to leverage it for power by doing things like “trying” to launch Ron DeSantis’ campaign, and is doing…
I do not know how the teams for these websites are distributed but I can only guess that either whoever covers Twitter was off for the weekend or maybe there’s some shared Gizmodo/Kotaku staff (they cover a lot of Twitch stuff) who was working this weekend and decided this better went under Gizmodo. Good question,…
I commented on another site, “How far does this case extend? Can a website developer refuse to make a website for Jewish people because she disagrees with their faith? Can a plumber refuse to work for a gay couple because he disagrees with their ‘lifestyle’?”
Why do they always have so many first names?
Lol, so people who couldn’t log into Twitch, went to Twitter, which also isn’t working 😂
Their ability to cross the US/Canada border *twice* was my only real gripe 😂
If they’d stood by her, they would have picked up a shitload of sales during Pride month of all times, which would have likely helped even out any boycott losses and caused the hate movement to peter out.
The worst part is, by giving in, Budweiser screwed themselves in the worst possible way. They were never going to appease the angry contingent that was shooting their beer, and they pissed off the LGBT community who were going to be buying their beer, which would have helped stabilize their sales when the boycott…