
Hillary would not have been able to replace Scalia or Ginsberg, because McConnell still controlled the Senate until 2021. If he wasn’t going to let Obama appoint a justice, he definitely wouldn’t have allowed Hillary to appoint them.

How about blaming RBG and her refusal to step down when Obama and the Dems had the Senate? Or does your anger only extend to a specific group of people who voted in one election?

This was, until this morning, the actual law. If you want to provide a service to the public, you cannot discriminate against protected classes. That has been the law for years. SCOTUS literally ended that law today

SCOTUS has big “We hate the youth vibes.”

Gorsuch’s opinion is such shit. “The dissent says that this will create a second class of citizens aka ‘separate but equal’.” And then refuses to address it. Just says “Not gonna happen.” That’s literally exactly what’s going to happen. 

Once they decided on Tuesday not to blow up democracy itself and go with the “independent state legislature” theory, I knew we were gonna pay for it the rest of the week. The end of affirmative action, enabling discrimination against LGBT people, and throwing out student loan forgiveness are the price we had to pay to

She doesn’t need robust security. She doesn’t actually design websites. The “clients” she sued the state over don’t exist. The person she cited as being the client is a straight man who was already married to a woman before she filed suit and had no idea he was even in it.

It is actually pretty wild. I have to imagine that the money they’re making selling location data just isn’t hitting when everyone was remote raiding. I think they’re trying to bundle location data from multiple users who raid together, so that they can get more money from that, but it’s probably not doing the dang

Honestly, kinda hard to believe a person who would take an anti-gay marriage case to the supreme court based on the idea she could get in trouble for turning down gay clients would *also* make up the gay clients. She just sounds so truthful

America’s demographics shifts mean it will stop being a majority-white country by 2040, and stuff like this is just how the rich and privileged are going to try to make sure power and wealth stays in the white communities when they stop having the voting advantage.

Even if Penny had relaxed the chokehold after Neely passed out, it still likely would have killed him, because the hold restricts blood (and oxygen) flow to the brain. You pass out because your brain is starved for oxygen and can no longer function. So he likely would have *at least* been brain damaged, perhaps

Incredibly suspicious. Like, WTF is going on with these judges lately?

Nobody in America hates Black people more than Clarence Thomas. 

Not sure what “inappropriate” means here. Was there something sexual or no? Being friends with someone underage is weird, but if they’re not having sex with them, I’m not seeing a problem

Spez absolutely uses Reddit, he was a mod of r/jailbait. 

Nobody in America hates Black people more than Clarence Thomas. John Roberts must have been positively giddy writing his opinion. First he guts the Voting Rights Act, now this. And Thomas shields him. They must be so happy

I don’t see her as doing anything different than Pence when he was VP, and Biden as VP was pretty much “the sidekick,” the thing he was most known for during Obama’s 8 years was saying “this is a big fucking deal” when the ACA was passed.

None of those are “new consoles.” Like, the GameBoy Pocket odesn’t play different games than the GameBoy. The GBA SP doesn’t play different games than the GBA.These aren’t different consoles like the Wii U -> Switch or GameCube -> Wii or GameBoy -> GameBoy Advance or DS -> 3DS. 

He has two PACs. One is “Trump for President” which has to follow all kinds of rules now that he’s officially running for President. The other is “Save America PAC” which is basically a slush fund. Last year when he launched his campaign, if you went to his website to donate, 99 cents of every dollar went to the

All which fundamentally restructured *something* about the older hardware that they couldn’t do. The Super Nintendo wasn’t just “more bits,” there was a huge difference in audio processing, there was a lot more they could do with sprite layers, there were multiple graphics modes that they could switch between. There