
All which fundamentally restructured *something* about the older hardware that they couldn’t do. The Super Nintendo wasn’t just “more bits,” there was a huge difference in audio processing, there was a lot more they could do with sprite layers, there were multiple graphics modes that they could switch between. There

Their problem is that they’re just trying so hard to squeeze every penny out of every nook and cranny of the game that they take everything that could be *fun* and rip it apart. Like with remote raids, they came out and said directly that they want to “slow down” players’ progress in the game. AKA people were getting

Nintendo has never really been the sort to just release an upgraded version of a product, it’s not what they do. Especially because if they try to compete with Sony and Microsoft on graphics, they’ll get slaughtered. They learned that with the GameCube and the Wii.

“Thirty-six counties can give you 81 million votes. That’s a fact.”

Pretty hilarious. “Ooops, we accidentally made the game fun again. Please hold tight while we revert the changes.”

He’s been in his bubble too long. He’s spent so much time surrounding himself with little acolytes in fascist-friendly Florida that he’s forgotten that he has to appeal to other people. All he’s done is stage photo ops where he gets up on stage and bleats about how tough he is, but that works in Florida where no one

Yeah I live in a big city and walk *everywhere* so I do play a fair bit as something to do while I walk, but increasing the size of the spawn circle doesn’t really do much for me. The Pokemon that spawn are generally pretty crap, they slow roll out new Pokemon in raids or events so ridiculously slow that you just stop

Also to note, the California PUC is getting ready to green light unlimited robotaxis while the state is in the midst of a homeless crisis. Good idea, let’s vaporize thousands of jobs being done by people who are likely doing this because they lost whatever other income they had. That surely could have no

Yeah OoT was a groundbreaking game as far as moving the series into 3D, but not sure how the “visual aesthetic” could be considered better than LttP. You can count the polygons.

I live in SF, and these cars are super fucking annoying. They just stop in places and then everyone has to deal with them. Sometimes they don’t like the light, or the angle of the intersection, or who knows what, so they just stop, and now everyone gets to play “Will the robot suddenly come to life while we try to get

Not bad, though I would put Link to the Past a lot higher. That was an amazing game, and it really kind of set a lot of the early design standards. There are a few games that really drove what the next few would look like and how they would work, and LttP was huge as far as really defining Zelda. And even now, the

Big difference is that Watters is 100% an idiot. Carlson, evil as he is, is smart enough to know what he’s trying to ply his audience with. Watters is a straight-up buffoon. 

That is easily my most favorite part. As soon as I saw the name of the “paper,” I was like “Oh there’s no way you could…. Oh my.” 😂

DeSantis wants to look tough going after Disney so bad that he’s… asking the courts to protect him from the lawsuit 😂

Hard to imagine what their priorities have to be here. The articles of impeachment that Green introduced on the first day of business? Or expunging Trump’s impeachments, which will do nothing to remove them from history?

Pretty much this. “Remember being a kid and you could run around all day and do nothing and everything was easy?” Like yeah everybody fuckin wishes they could go and play all day, being an *adult* is remembering that you actually have to go do a job and pay for things. 

More emboldened by the majority. He can afford to lose Roberts and still get the majority. And he doesn’t know how long he will have this, so he’s going for all of it now.

Definitely agree with this. The fact we were able to get vehicles to the Titanic that quickly is pretty incredible.

Yeah my money’s on it having already gone supernova and we’re just waiting for the light to reach us

No, she knows exactly what kind of base she’s thrown her lot in with.