
The people who are leading the charge against trans people are pretty much dealing with the third grade understanding of it. They are fighting, sometimes violently, to have to know or understand as little as possible. 

She’s running against Trump and has criticized him, so she’s out.

I’m not sure why she picked such a short timeline, but I could guess one of a few options:

No way the prosecution would fuck this up under pressure. Smith has spent a *lot* of time securing all of the evidence he wants to go with.

If she was scared of this trial, she could recuse herself, but so far she won’t.

I don’t care if he went to the concert, it’s not like there’s much else he can do. He just doesn’t need to tweet about it, especially in context with the fact his dad is currently trapped underwater and has only hours to go.

N-word: fine, cool, dandy. “Cis”: bad, banned, use all our tools to expel it.

You are cisgender whether you like it or not, unless you are trans. It comes from latin, to mean “on this side.” “Trans” means “on the other side.” So you are on the side of the gender you were assigned at birth, which makes you “cis.” 

The problem is that folks love to conflate biological sex and gender all the time. What is “gender”? It’s a social term, coined by humans, for humans, to refer to the identity that someone chooses to express. Which isn’t 1:1 tied to biological sex.

“Do we really need a descriptor for 99% of the people.”

Auschwitz is important to visit because it’s one of the most awful things humanity has ever done. The Titanic was an accident where no one expected to die. And as NSX mentioned above, graveyards are where you *choose* to bury people.

As much as I despise this man, watching him sit there while the interviewer was like, “You said this woman was the stupidest person ever born. You said this person was the most overrated general of all time. You said this person was the most corrupt person you’d ever work with.” Just working down the list of all the

It will be another decade or more before Texas could possibly turn blue. The state legislature just voted to give themselves control over the elections in the cities, so they can stop people from voting. It will be a few election cycles of them openly repressing the vote before the wave can get over them.

They’re saying that freedom for white people is better than and more important than freedom for black people. Frederick Douglass notably wrote, “What is Fourth of July to the slave?” Which was a very direct way of attacking the concept of “Freedom” for the US when Black folks were still slaves.

These kinds of interviews have been around for donkey’s years. It’s what they do at pretty much every radio station when a band has a new album coming out, is that the band records one interview, and then those answers are printed onto some media (vinyl, CD, mp3, etc) and sent to various radio stations. The local DJ

That’s the thing about criminals like him, Trump, you name it: Getting away with a crime isn’t enough. They have to boast about it. They have to let everyone *know* that they got away with a crime. For them, they’re so used to committing crimes, that the crimes themselves are just second nature. Getting away with it

If you’re trying to justify a Russian invasion of Ukraine by saying that there’s Nazis in Ukraine, I invite you to have a look at: America

He’s definitely already in violation of this. He was probably in violation of it before his plane landed in NJ.

While I absolutely believe that he will drop the US in a heartbeat if it came down to saving his own ass, his ego won’t allow him to hightail it out of the country, he likely very much believes he will win.

Matthew 18:9, quote from Jesus: “And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.”