
That boy ain’t right.

lol Sean Rodriguez. Go beat up a Gatorade cooler you hot head.

You realize the Cubs and Tommy La Stella started this a few months ago, right?

Who does he think he is, Javier Baez?!?

Mark Parent.

Yes he can, but the ejection doesn’t take place until the all is dead. It’s in the rulebook but I don’t know the exact reference.

While I have recently played Life and can confirm I would rather be hit by a bus than play that pitiful game again, I have to question the logic behind Candy Land as #4. Games based solely on chance drive me crazy. Ever play that horrible game with your 8 and 10 year old nieces? It was one of the most trying

Jesus Christ, people.

If only all of the Phillies games didn’t mean anything instead of just the games in September!

Is this sticking with the tradition of off days following Opening Day? So if every team is playing Thursday, are they all off Friday?

Football is stupid.

This is literally your prayers being answered you ignorant slut.

What the fuck did I just watch?

I’ve always been partial to this Yoervis Medina filth:

“what’s your point?” -

MLB could literally do away with these verbal attacks overnight if they’d just embrace the technology that literally every other fucking sport uses.

I’ve had this idea before!

So we should call it “Yard-ball?”

Can a microbus drive three days cross-country without breaking down?