
The other thing is that she put herself out there to sing, which she is still doing extremely well, not to be a sex object. So like even if that argument is valid at all (it’s not) it still makes no sense here.

People tell themselves that in order to not feel shitty about being mean to strangers.

Fat jokes: the last vestige of people who truly have nothing intelligent to say.

I spent all of last spring break reading that. Totally worth it.

There’s no reverse racism as you can only be racist against a minority. Sexism works the same way.

Ok, I’m going to (probably quite clunkily) say here’s why that’s wrong. For the record, I’m white, and I doubt many black or POC Jezzies on here would want to dignify this with a response. I’m only responding to you because 1) I’ve had a few personal conversations about “reverse racism” in my life recently and I want

i can explain, but i won’t. if you googled dictionary definitions, you can go further.

She's racist because she says she hates racists? That's the argument that you want to run with?

the number of people starring her comment is a bit unsettling.

you cant be racists towards white people. prejudiced. but not racist.

I know a mayor, she's pretty mean. When she gets mad she'll cause a scene. She don't throw rocks, she don't throw beans, she don't throw insults or any of these. She uses Vaaaaaaaaaseline.

I know, and I’m sorry. But I really feel that she deserves an A for effort



Reverse racism is all i got from this.

though he does have a very Allen-like tendency to act like he is the smartest man alive.

He’s hot as long as he doesn’t open up his mouth to talk.

No way I’m letting that go! If I ever see Kim again, I want my $12 back. Or a t shirt.

A girl did this in my high school. She made me feel bad because i sad something like “what, do you have cancer or something?” sarcastically when she was acting all glum. I told her then she was an asshole for trying to make me feel guilty for something i could not have possibly known about and everyone thought I was a

Not to this level, but this sort of lying about having a serious health issue happened to my friends and me.