
Yeah but she wasn't asking a small business to give services for free. She was asking an able bodied guy to help her out, with no promise of anything in return. Ted has a brain, Ted can make decisions using that brain. And she helped him shovel. And she bought him coffee. Who cares is she CAN shovel snow.

You are projecting way too much onto Ted.

That is not how this metaphor works.

Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free, amiright?!?!?

I wish I had thought of that.

there should be anger toward rapists,

TheCasualEnthusiast - St. Louis, MO

This "comment" is the reason people hate yelp.

The screen name was a dead give away for me.

Next time you are sexing up a lady friend (haaaaaaaaaa!) have her jam a Q-Tip up your urethra and then vigorously shake it around for a few minutes to see how much fun it is.

And oh god this quote:

hehahaheheherhe weeeelcome aaabooooard~

Oh boy, this should be good.

You're obviously right, and what the hell are all these dumb motherfuckers even talking about?

"Before reading your blog, I never would have even made eye contact with someone wearing hijab. But I was at an event the other day where I saw a Muslim woman and I did make eye contact with her'."

One thing Eagan says she hopes to do next is use make-up to "darken" her complexion and "go out into the community."

Just when I was getting used to the fact that no one cared about my stupid boner.

The best part in your rant on not stereotyping was when you said "with women now claiming that it's rape to change positions during sex without written consent and looking at everyone with a dick as an abusive, misogynist piece of shit". Bang up job on being part of the solution.