
Yes, I'm sure it's annoying. The difference is the "othering" that black people get, especially regarding our hair. Someone with hair texture similar to your own may admire your curls if their hair is straighter. They may admire the thickness of your hair versus their fine hair. However, when some people go to touch

Cue a bunch of white people in the greys talking about their experiences with people touching their hair.

ahhhh. I will never take this weather for granted! I actually was born here and was a little kid here, and always wanted to come back! Thanks for the welcome! I'm just going to sit outside and cry of happiness and then drink some pink wine in celebration! My husband always wants to go back to the NW, and Ive

It's why I love my silk long underwear!

Growing up in the pacific NW, I feel like keeping warm is really difficult, even though the temperatures don't drop that low. That's because it's always 40 degrees and raining and that wet means that you are cold-to-the-bone and can't warm up! There never seemed to be anything completely adequate for that situation.

The 90s weren't just all Hammer pants and Party of Five.

Winter Silk has decently priced silk long underwear and sock and glove liners, even if there is a major old lady slant to their products (don't buy their underwear unless you're really into 90's styles). And since my long underwear are silk I can easily get my jeggings over them, score!

Now playing

In the 90s and early 00s the amateur aesthetic was big—snapshot images, overexposure and so on. A number of photographers made legitimate works like this and others, especially Richardson, exploited the aesthetic because it gave his work a certain artiness. Shallow, but it looked like it could be on the wall of an

I've gotten myself a criminal record, breaking the law more than once, simply to get cigarette money. It's a powerful debilitating addiction that drives people to do things they would not rationally do, rich or poor. The financial consequences of smoking and finding money to buy the smokes are simply much more serious

So it's like 70s-era Penthouse then.

I know Terry is gross but I am here for underboob.


One of my good friends has a prosthetic lower leg (was able to keep his knee but lost everything below in an accident). Normally you can't tell, he doesn't even limp most of the time but walking long distances causes a lot of pain so he uses his handicapped pass at places like the mall, or events that involve walking

In some cities, asking people to police the contents of others' shopping carts would be laughable because who has time for that?

the thing is, it's not like you get unlimited food stamps. so if you buy 8 lobster tails on the first of the month, you're going to learn very quickly through your very hungry following 29 days that that was not a great choice.

Grothman said he hears stories about seemingly able-bodied people receiving disability payments, Social Security payments and Food Share benefits.

Not to mention that brand names go on sale or offer coupons, while generics don't. It's not uncommon for a brand name to be cheaper, especially by the ounce. I would estimate it at like 10% of the time that I comparison shop.

For fuck's sake. It's none of your goddamn business!!!!! You're not the sole taxpayer contributing to these programs! If a parent wants to get their kid actual Cheerios instead of fucking CardboardCircleO's or whatever the generic shit is so they can feel like they're a fucking human being worthy of quality products

I just....what does a poor person look like, exactly? Are they covered in tattered clothes and ashes like the little match girl? Do they carry red-checked packs on sticks like old-timey train car hobos? I just...WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

Cigarettes are $25 a carton = dude has not been out of the house in over 15 years