
Thanks for this comment. I was feeling really weird about this whole argument, but I found myself unable to form a coherent mental response except, "C'mon, anyone can see it's a fucking baby at some point." The age of consent comparison is apt.

I always say no, I don't have a future here. I'm the wrong gender, the wrong sexuality, the wrong colour, the wrong age. That's a joke. It's just a comment about the political correctness really. You can see by some of these Cabinet appointments. Women still talk about glass ceilings - it's clearly the opposite.

ur life sounds rly hard

In all fairness, men are known for being bad at math.

I'm sorry. In other circumstances certain noises are a good thing.

Don't worry. You're not the only pro-choicer deeply uncomfortable with this thread.

I'm so fucking over hearing about beautiful babies. I'm tired of people using babies as a silver lining to dismiss a traumatic event. I'm tired of the emotional manipulation to convince people that terminating pregnancy is tantamount to KILLING A BABY.

These people who push for the 20 week ban are straight up evil.

I know all you guys already know this, but it bears repeating. the vast majority of terminations that take place after 20 weeks are due to severe medical issues. Most women aren't just fucking around for 5 months making up their minds. The anatomy scan ultrasound that can determine whether the fetus is healthy, or

To be honest, I actually prefer the anti-choice people who are just flat-out opposed to all abortion. At least these people can pretend to sincerely believe that abortion is straight-up murder and have a justifiable excuse (in their minds) for opposing abortion. Everyone else who is okay with what they ostensibly

Beautiful children whose mothers' maternity costs will no longer be covered by their insulting pCARE health reform, potentially saddling them with crippling debt on top of everything else.

It's like the old saying:

But if that child needs health care or if the mom needs medical assistance thereafter, fuck'em. Did I get that right?

De facto monopolies are a hell of a thing.

Yep. "You're goddamn right. Now you can continue not billing me because you're giving me cable and internet for free." would have been my response.

If that happened to me, I'd just leave it.

Bauer, who lives in Addison, Illinois, told her story on Chicago's TV station WGN, claiming Comcast's cable service has been very poor, with 39 technicians showing up at her home to fix technical issues from Nov. 2013 to Apr. 2014.

Comcast is, of course, "investigating this thoroughly."

Or, "there is no evidence of rape!" As a lawyer this boggles the mind. Testimony is evidence. If she testifies that he did it, that's evidence. Just like if he testifies he didn't, that is also evidence. What people are really saying is that men are more trustworthy than women, at all times.

I love how people automatically question every rape accuser but the word of the rapist is somehow taken as fact? It just baffles me. He said he didn't do it! All of these people who claim they were raped by this person must be lying!