
I want to see the outcome of this beard roller set.

take me too! i'm an old, but i can find us something worth seeing (may or may not include live sex)

but like

I believe all of this. I knew there was now way you could healthily lose 50-100 lbs in a few months.

I will take you! Let's go!

Maybe if more people were PUNK ROCK it would.

nah, the most punk rock thing ever was that girl in L7 taking out her tampon and throwing it in the crowd at Reading.

Miss Israel is clearly the one holding the camera in the original picture, so Miss Lebanon's "she tooootally wanted pics with me but I shut her down!!!" excuse is not really working. Also, rude.

And wouldn't be fantastic if teenagers don't have to think about the geo-political implications of their every little act?


There's a dude in my town who drives around with an anti-Jane Fonda bumper sticker on his truck. In the whole scheme of the last 40 or so years, you couldn't think of one thing that pissed you off more than Jane Fonda?

The death penalty is way more expensive than life in prison and you can call me a dope or a bleeding heart, I don't give a ish, the fact remains that the legal system is racist to its core, makes mistakes (count the number of people that have been exonerated) and more importantly, the number of innocent people that

Prisons, at least if done right, are more than just a "tiny cell" and "never-ending psychological nightmare". America ofcourse still loves to torture its massive prison population with such crude methods, as if it'd somehow help to fight crime, but the Nordic countries, for example, show that crime can be punished

Solitary confinement absolutely can be a form of torture, but don't kid yourself that it's cheaper to kill them than keep them. Death penalty cases cost far more money than inmates sentenced to life.

"if true" being the most relevant part of that statement. How fair do you imagine the trial she had was, given she' a foreign female in Saudi Arabia from a pariah state with zero power to extricate one of their nationals from a situation like this. Is there a chance she was a scapegoat?

Anyone who wanted to witness this is a sick fuck.

I've never understood that desire to watch. I had a friend who watched the reporters' beheadings to try to show how tough he was... but it isn't about being tough enough to watch something gruesome. That's someone's life and death, not a spectacle, and I don't think they want videos of their death shopped around for

Why do people need to see this woman beheaded? Beheadings are not like in the movies, with one smooth strike and it's over. From what I've heard of other beheadings in Saudi Arabia, the executioners do not appear to be particularly skilled. So, this woman likely suffered greatly before she died. Why do you want that