
Oh I can get that many for a dollar so I figured it was wise since there are few flavor enhancers there.

Yep, woven fabrics with no stretch are lovely, if they are custom made. Otherwise they fit pretty much no one other than the fit model they were made for.

Too small and too big. This is everyone, though thinner people can often “get away” with it more often. But yes, ready to wear has most people walking around looking shlumpy :/ And god help you if you are plus sized.

I post this a lot, but fuck pants that are not custom made!

Ok editing because I'm being shitty.

*insert “that’s the joke” gif here*

She is pretty damn cool. She might say the same of me :D

Well this is fantastic.

It’s not a Swedish car either, which is why I can’t and will never call it a vulva.

My entire goal with my tattoos is to not look like a kid attacked me with a book of stickers.


I didn't misread, I was making fun of you. Because I know Reno has enough sense to clean her ass.

Yeah, bathrooms are notoriously hard to clean shit off of. Who would think it would get in there??

My bestie is a flight attendant and is just like this. She can spot a person in a freak out, calm them, and get control of the situation in a minute.

Because few people will follow the link. Sometimes I don't. Honestly, the format does not bother me at all. I think people that are on reddit are insane because the format there is shit, but I'm sure some people dig it.

Cuz people see it. I could post something on facebook and make it super long, but only grandma will read it, so why?

Get yourself a big bottle of almond oil. Mix a few drops of rosemary and lavender oil into a few ounces of the almond and massage into your scalp before each shampoo. The ends as well, I never shampoo without oiled ends. And I mean use a few handfuls of oil.

That is how my hair looks if I do nothing to it. I find it boring.

It will. I can hold onto hot rollers and wind my hair with minimal bitching.

It's not really the family's business. His parents intruded on his sex life, and now he is talking about how they are trying to tell him how to fuck. What he says on twitter about his sex life is no ones business but his own and if people don't like to read it then it's easy to unfollow him.